Table of Contents
- Examples
- Configuring Peer To Peer Download
- Configuring Hash Ring
- Configuring Storage Backend For Origin And Build-Index
Here are some example configuration files we used for dev cluster (which can be started by running
make devcluster
They are split into a base.yaml that contains configs that we have been using for test, development and production, and a development.yaml that contains configs specifically needed for starting dev cluster using Docker-for-Mac, and need to updated for production setups.
More in examples/devcluster/
Kraken's peer-to-peer network consists of agents, origins and trackers. Origins are special dedicated peers that seed data from a storage backend (HDFS, S3, etc). Agents are peers that download from each other and from origins. Agents periodically announce each torrent they are currently downloading to tracker, and in return, receive a list of peers that are also seeding the same torrent. More details in
peerstore: redis: peer_set_window_size: 1h max_peer_set_windows: 5
As peers announce periodically to a tracker, the tracker stores the announce requests into several time window bucket.
Each announce request expires in peer_set_window_size * max_peer_set_windows
Then, the tracker returns a random set of peers selecting from max_peer_set_windows
number of time bucket.
Download and upload bandwidths are configurable to prevent peers from saturating the host network.
scheduler: conn: bandwidth: enable: true egress_bits_per_sec: 1677721600 # 200*8 Mbit ingress_bits_per_sec: 2516582400 # 300*8 Mbit
Number of connections per torrent can be limited by:
scheduler: connstate: max_open_conn: 10
There is no limit on number of torrents a peer can download simultaneously.
SeederTTI (time-to-idle) is the duration a completed torrent will exist without being read from before being removed from in-memory archive.
scheduler: seeder_tti: 5m
However, until it is deleted by periodic storage purge, completed torrents will remain on disk and can be re-opened on another peer's request.
Both agents and origins can be configured to cleanup idle torrents on disk periodically.
store: cache_cleanup: tti: 6h download_cleanup: tti: 6h
For origins, the number of files can also be limited as origins are dedicated seeders and hence normally caches files on disk for longer time.
store: capacity: 1000000
Both orgin and tracker clusters are self-healing hash rings and both can be represented by either a dns name or a static list of hosts.
We use rendezvous hashing for constructing ring membership.
Take an origin cluster for example:
hashring: max_replica: 2 cluster: hosts: static: - origin1:15002 - origin2:15002 - origin3:15002
hashring: max_replica: 2 cluster: hosts: dns:
When a node in the hash ring is considered as unhealthy, the ring client will route requests to the next healthy node with the highest score. There are two ways to do health check:
Origins do health check for each other in the ring as the cluster is usually smaller.
cluster: healthcheck: filter: fails: 3 passes: 2 monitor: interval: 30s
Above configures health check ping from one origin to others every 30 seconds. If 3 or more consecutive health checkes fail for an origin, it is marked as unhealthy. Later, if 2 or more consecutive health checks succeed for the same origin, it is marked as healthy again. Initially, all hosts are healthy.
Agents health checks tracker, piggybacking on the announce requests.
tracker: cluster: healthcheck: fails: 3 fail_timeout: 5m
As shown in this example, if 3 announce requests to one tracker fail with network error within 5 minutes, the host is marked as unhealthy for 5 minutes. The agent will not send requests to this host until after timeout.
Storage backends are used by Origin and Build-Index for data persistence. Kraken has support for S3, GCS, ECR, HDFS, http (readonly), and Docker Registry (readonly) as backends.
Multiple backends can be used at the name time, configured based on namespaces of requested blob and tag (for docker images, that means the part of image name before ":").
Example origin config that uses multiple backends:
backends: - namespace: library/.* backend: registry_blob: address: timeout: 60s security: basic: username: "" password: "" - namespace: test-domain/.* backend: http: download_url: http://test-domain:9000/download?sha256=%s download_backoff: enabled: true - namespace: ecr-images/.* backend: registry_tag: address: 123456789012.dkr.ecr.<region> security: credsStore: 'ecr-login' - namespace: s3-images/.* backend: s3: region: us-west-1 bucket: test-bucket root_directory: /test-bucket/kraken/default/ name_path: sharded_docker_blob username: kraken-user - namespace: minio-images/.* backend: s3: region: us-east-1 bucket: self-hosted-bucket root_directory: /kraken/default/ name_path: sharded_docker_blob username: minio-user endpoint: disable_ssl: true force_path_style: true bandwidth: enable: true - namespace: gcs-images/.* backend: gcs: username: kraken-user bucket: test-bucket root_directory: /test-bucket/kraken/default/ name_path: sharded_docker_blob bandwidth: enable: true auth: s3: kraken-user: s3: aws: kraken-user aws_access_key_id: <keyid> aws_secret_access_key: <key> minio-user: s3: aws: minio-user aws_access_key_id: <keyid> aws_secret_access_key: <key> gcs: kraken-user: gcs: access_blob: <service_account_key>
For simple local testing with an insecure registry (assuming it listens on host.docker.internal:5000
), you can configure the backend for origin and build-index accordingly:
backends: - namespace: .* backend: registry_blob: address: host.docker.internal:5000 security: tls: client: disabled: true
backends: - namespace: .* backend: registry_tag: address: host.docker.internal:5000 security: tls: client: disabled: true
When transferring data from and to its storage backend, origins can be configured with download and upload bandwidths. This is useful when using cloud storage providers to prevent origins from saturating the network link.
backends: - namespace: .* backend: s3: <omitted> bandwidth: enabled: true egress_bits_per_sec: 8589934592 # 8 Gbit ingress_bits_per_sec: 85899345920 # 10*8 Gbit