: Can you specify if you want use the language from your translation files (using symfony/translation), by set it to false
And in this is situation should you translation missing datatable words:
Words |
datatable.datatable.processing | |
datatable.datatable.lengthMenu | |
datatable.datatable.infoEmpty |
datatable.datatable.infoFiltered |
datatable.datatable.infoPostFix |
datatable.datatable.loadingRecords |
datatable.datatable.zeroRecords |
datatable.datatable.emptyTable |
datatable.datatable.searchPlaceholder |
datatable.datatable.paginate.first |
datatable.datatable.paginate.previous | |
datatable.datatable.paginate.last |
datatable.datatable.aria.sortAscending |
datatable.datatable.aria.sortDescending |
: Set the language you want in your datatable, the available options is :
Language | FullName |
en | English |
fr | French |
de | German |
es | Spanish |
it | Italian |
pt | Portuguese |
ru | Russian |
zh | Chinese |
ja | Japanese |
ar | Arabic |
hi | Hindi |
bn | Bengali |
sw | Swahili |
mr | Marathi |
ta | Tamil |
tr | Turkish |
pl | Polish |
uk | Ukrainian |
fa | Persian |
ur | Urdu |
he | Hebrew |
th | Thai |
request | The language base of the Request |
We have two why to config language in datatable :
When you want to configure the global language:
# Load i18n data from DataTables CDN or locally
language_from_cdn: true
# Language of the Datatables (if language_from_cdn true)
language: 'en'
In this is situation the config will be applied just in the current $datatable