All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
v0.7.0 - 2025-02-17
- (console) updated permissions for org for user role - (6154819) - @xmlking
- (console) adding vite config noExternal to support CommonJS modules nhost and graphql - (f653848) - @xmlking
- (console) using emailVerified for users list page - (d3d2a01) - @xmlking
- (console) cleanup - (6b1375c) - @xmlking
- (console) now using node:23 - (951f429) - @xmlking
- (console) refine member invite and member managment - (6ff05dd) - @xmlking
- (console) remove page-containe class for tables - (e986d4f) - @xmlking
- (console) UpdateDefaultOrg mutation removed @role - (aa271a5) - @xmlking
- (console) handle decline invitation - (db60af2) - @xmlking
- (console) adding sys-admin org, role etc - (b7c3d1e) - @xmlking
- (console) using metadata for user profile - (9236b7e) - @xmlking
- (console) using metadata for user profile - (15bbfe7) - @xmlking
- (console) using metadata for user profile - (70a5b0f) - @xmlking
- (console) using metadata for user profile - (639deb0) - @xmlking
- (console) using metadata for user profile - (f1a50fb) - @xmlking
- (console) using metadata for user profile - (7a472ce) - @xmlking
- (console) refine - (afc5ee3) - @xmlking
- (console) refine - (91979e8) - @xmlking
- (console) refine - (5a5b78f) - @xmlking
- (console) add member ui w.i.p - (4a02f34) - @xmlking
- (console) update notifications ui - (172c104) - @xmlking
- (console) using signin security key with user handle - (9145a10) - @xmlking
- (console) using signin security key with user handle - (81dac98) - @xmlking
- (console) move user/org settings url paths - (0fcddda) - @xmlking
- (console) move user/org settings url paths - (6c8e83a) - @xmlking
- (console) settings - (ea4fc22) - @xmlking
- (console) add member mockup. thanke to svelte0 - (8bd90fe) - @xmlking
- (console) turnstile enabled for nhsot auth and sending x-cf-turnstile-response header for signup - (b7ef042) - @xmlking
- (console) using env as source for vercel/flags - (1750fb7) - @xmlking
- (console) now apply FEATURE_SHOW_BOT_PROTECTION - (dfdd0ce) - @xmlking
- (console) memberships, settings w.i.p - (9bd0504) - @xmlking
- (console) org CRUD - (0fdbfbb) - @xmlking
- (console) user profile refine - (e66f75b) - @xmlking
- (console) using variant-filled for all buttons - (8e00a93) - @xmlking
- (console) org update w.i.p - (9aee45d) - @xmlking
- (console) attempt to use turnstileResponse for signup w.i.p - (b682198) - @xmlking
- (console) adding Bot Protection with Cloudflare Turnstile w.i.p - (0cc9c8f) - @xmlking
- (console) upgrade hasura-auth to 0.37.0-beta0 - (eb08b29) - @xmlking
- (console) add rule houdini session variable - (b9ddaa5) - @xmlking
- (console) add rule houdini session variable - (15cf904) - @xmlking
- (console) add rule houdini session variable - (fd82a85) - @xmlking
- (console) using houdini runtimeScalars API to add userId - (2ab0001) - @xmlking
- (console) added org-switcher comp - (f998897) - @xmlking
- (console) added maybe-error wrapper comp - (836f327) - @xmlking
- (console) add trigger for org owner change - (c36d992) - @xmlking
- (console) add trigger for org owner change - (8e68182) - @xmlking
- (console) orgs metadata - (b1ea496) - @xmlking
- (console) add org-switcher component - (c2ca0d3) - @xmlking
- (console) cleanup - (18307e0) - @xmlking
- (console) switch org - (c65b062) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p Organizations - (69fdd3f) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p Organizations - (6db15c0) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p Organizations - (f5cb396) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p Organizations - (c261fdb) - @xmlking
- (console) fxing policies and rules w.i.p - (f5e02c2) - @xmlking
- (console) fxing orgs w.i.p - (9e6c2db) - @xmlking
- (console) fxing orgs w.i.p - (16f35fd) - @xmlking
- (console) fxing orgs w.i.p - (4300c3a) - @xmlking
- (console) update org schema and sidnav links W.I.P - (52569b9) - @xmlking
- (console) adding cookie debug - (9ccd0f7) - @xmlking
- (console) replace window.location.href with .url to make it work with SSR - (618c139) - @xmlking
- (console) exposing userId orgId defaultRole for use in load functions - (136c894) - @xmlking
- (console) set cookie expires - (87d234f) - @xmlking
- (console) workaround for fickle hudini session/accessToken managment on client-side - (222332c) - @xmlking
- (console) removed signout endpoint, auth cookie no more set on server side - (982edba) - @xmlking
- (console) passwordless and social routes now runs on client-side - (be50edd) - @xmlking
- (console) passwordless and social routes now runs on client-side - (129269b) - @xmlking
- (console) password reset route now runs on client-side - (2693f85) - @xmlking
- (console) signup now runs on client-side - (0d6bcf7) - @xmlking
- (nhost) nhost config remove unauthorizedRole - (a6e3e83) - @xmlking
- (nhost) let invites to accept or reject the invitation - (96011d8) - @xmlking
- (nhost) let invites to accept or reject the invitation - (e803e61) - @xmlking
- (nhost) refactor settings schema - (7f695df) - @xmlking
- (nhost) refactor settings schema - (3c7b31a) - @xmlking
- (nhost) refactor settings schema - (8fd8cd8) - @xmlking
- (nhost) refactor settings schema - (6ba9bcf) - @xmlking
- (nhost) refactor settings schema - (1191ba8) - @xmlking
- (nhost) refactor settings schema - (d82c5e1) - @xmlking
- (nhost) adding invitations table - (207b62a) - @xmlking
- (nhost) adding invitations table - (46f95e9) - @xmlking
- (nhost) adding invitations table - (6583c1c) - @xmlking
- (nhost) adding invitations table - (6d7c3a4) - @xmlking
- (nhost) adding invitations table - (0edd478) - @xmlking
- (nhost) adding invitations table - (8368645) - @xmlking
- (nhost) refactor org schema - (3173438) - @xmlking
- (nhost) deleted_records trigger - (35a0ae6) - @xmlking
- (nhost) deleted_records trigger - (040fcbd) - @xmlking
- (nhost) deleted_records trigger - (27c572a) - @xmlking
- (nhost) deleted_records trigger - (dc1fb7b) - @xmlking
- (nhost) added org settings tables - (4cf27cd) - @xmlking
- (nhost) updated seeds - (ffcb623) - @xmlking
- (ui) improve InputChip comp - (80812ef) - @xmlking
- (ui) improve InputChip comp - (5d02071) - @xmlking
- (ui) improve InputChip comp - (5e68c2c) - @xmlking
- (ui) using InputChipWrapper - (c300e8f) - @xmlking
- (ui) using InputChipWrapper - (828cb37) - @xmlking
- (ui) update shadcn-svelte comps - (a5e205a) - @xmlking
- fix vercel build - (6cf4471) - @xmlking
- order astro plugins keep svelte above starlight - (deba391) - @xmlking
- order astro plugins keep svelte above starlight - (0a91de2) - @xmlking
- adding to nhost.toml as per nhost/nhost#3190 - (87e7bd3) - @xmlking
- bug in add/remove groups for user - (6bc61d2) - Srinivas Mundlamuri
- added ultracite biome config - (6950416) - @xmlking
- updated pnpm - (fc7def2) - @xmlking
- added ultracite biome config - (3d77994) - @xmlking
- added ultracite biome config - (0d157f0) - @xmlking
- added ultracite biome config - (89d9f53) - @xmlking
- added ultracite biome config - (2b523e2) - @xmlking
- trying to add o3-mini , sorry not avaiable for tire 1 yet - (1ac0630) - @xmlking
- fixed text - (f235167) - Srinivas Mundlamuri
- biome useSortedClasses - (fa6d166) - @xmlking
- fixed format - (2522d39) - Srinivas Mundlamuri
- opt-in root clean task for turborepo - (4fa9d1c) - @xmlking
- using nhost initWithSession method that help removing xstate npm dependency - (8aa19c0) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (48efb17) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (92b30ae) - @xmlking
- add check check:fix turbo tasks - (3b00650) - @xmlking
- lint issues - (d64fd2b) - @xmlking
- add biome turbo root task - (6cc4ddb) - @xmlking
- oauth login and houdini client session refresh now works - (7b46945) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (d9a4746) - @xmlking
- using credentials include for hasura fetch - (959076d) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (857e282) - @xmlking
- mount GraphQLErrors component only if there is error - (6d1feb4) - @xmlking
- updated deps - (7775cae) - @xmlking
- added examples for new hooks features - (337577f) - @xmlking
- updated deps - (5a0bac8) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (bea43c6) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (6a300db) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (e9c54d8) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (d2232f6) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (950a6e4) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (3b6a223) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (d108c75) - @xmlking
- updated ai docs - (fa21c3b) - @xmlking
- updated docs - (0f56fbe) - @xmlking
- updated docs - (0c1c992) - @xmlking
- (console) user now can accept/reject invitations and leave membership - (cefe0ce) - @xmlking
- (console) added notifications database schema - (dd36caf) - @xmlking
- (console) added notifications database schema - (f6029f6) - @xmlking
- (console) added user settings ui - (66f09d5) - @xmlking
- (ui) added input-pairs comp - (680b058) - @xmlking
- added user details and user groups - (a9a2bd5) - Srinivas Mundlamuri
- added crud for groups - (f30a246) - Srinivas Mundlamuri
- adding new multi-tenent profile - (43ae4cd) - @xmlking
- format with biome + ultracite - (b6c8fa2) - @xmlking
- format with biome + ultracite - (aba045e) - @xmlking
- format with biome + ultracite - (a828f69) - @xmlking
- format with biome + ultracite - (61a12d9) - @xmlking
- format with biome + ultracite - (537e3bc) - @xmlking
- format - (6b382a0) - @xmlking
- format - (714ee80) - @xmlking
- format - (12aa012) - @xmlking
v0.5.1 - 2024-09-24
- (biome) add useSortedClasses rule for biome - (1c8d953) - @xmlking
- (console) switch from layerchart to unovis - (32b8d29) - @xmlking
- (console) deps updated - (100c46a) - @xmlking
- (console) refactor chrome-ai lib - (77806d2) - @xmlking
- (console) changed vscode autoSave settings to onFocusChange [skip ci] - (d9f361b) - @xmlking
- (console) using dom-chromium-ai types for chrome-ai - (cd82e99) - @xmlking
- (console) update chrome ai API - (ebceb94) - @xmlking
- (console) use private URLs when creating nhost client on server side - (f272971) - @xmlking
- (console) using sveltekit-search-params - (bbc1de7) - @xmlking
- (docs) updated awesome docs with Unovis [skip ci] - (e426673) - @xmlking
- (nhost) nhsot run docs [skip ci] - (bff5447) - @xmlking
- added turbo-run-clean command - (b8df726) - @xmlking
v0.5.0 - 2024-09-15
- (console) add permissions for user to query their own data - (e425e17) - @xmlking
- (console) add svelte-plugins/datepicker lib [skip ci] - (fec87a4) - @xmlking
- (console) style svelte-select component to match to skeleton-ui - (5d0699a) - @xmlking
- (console) adding unmarshal marshal for graphql bigint snd bytea types - (aeeb5ff) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p device pool fix 6 - (912e621) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p device pool fix 5 - (8d459c7) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p device pool fix 5 - (7111051) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p device pool fix 4 - (8189bdc) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p device pool fix 3 - (da49c80) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p device pool fix 2 - (a965b34) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p device pool fix 1 - (09baf7c) - @xmlking
- (console) error handling for chromeai - (2641ef6) - @xmlking
- (console) add Typewriter fun transition - (44ea2fc) - @xmlking
- (console) refactor user management - (94729c5) - @xmlking
- (console) clock added - (a609329) - @xmlking
- (console) using neverthrow for error handling - (b5f5b43) - @xmlking
- (console) ai lib updateds - (32c8a5d) - @xmlking
- (console) ai lib updateds - (b83e358) - @xmlking
- (console) vercel ignore .secrets* - (4f2bd39) - @xmlking
- (console) open ai models - (57574ea) - @xmlking
- (console) open ai models - (a87b714) - @xmlking
- (console) test vercel build - (40a5390) - @xmlking
- (console) test vercel build - (0011824) - @xmlking
- (console) removed deligate dead link in side bar - (87dfd6c) - @xmlking
- (console) update Alert comp to support adding named slots - (d457152) - @xmlking
- (docs) test vercel build - (ce44850) - @xmlking
- (docs) test vercel build - (d923205) - @xmlking
- (docs) test vercel build - (010da0b) - @xmlking
- (docs) test vercel build - (26d35c6) - @xmlking
- (docs) test vercel build - (5e018f4) - @xmlking
- (nhost) update postgres version - (73a538c) - @xmlking
- (nhost) nhost config - (3bddaa0) - @xmlking
- (nhost) update email templates - (47c19d4) - @xmlking
- (nhost) fix nhost config - (17505b2) - @xmlking
- (nhost) add nhost run app - (5fa37fa) - @xmlking
- (nhost) add nhost run app - (7a72b38) - @xmlking
- (nhsot) add refresh_tokens_metadata_name_unique to nhost schema - (b973df6) - @xmlking
- (utils) add hasIntersection isSubset utils - (509b131) - @xmlking
- (web) test vercel build - (486c66f) - @xmlking
- (web) test vercel build - (f425f55) - @xmlking
- (workspace) workspace files - (de43a4e) - @xmlking
- (workspace) workspace files - (4c85e37) - @xmlking
- deps updated, move nhost run files - (7bb31c3) - @xmlking
- deps updated, move nhost run files - (5c18f52) - @xmlking
- switch from env/static to env/dynamic for most of env variables - (79e1a55) - @xmlking
- switch from env/static to env/dynamic for most of env variables - (d33b638) - @xmlking
- upgrade biome to 1.9.0 - (b6171b3) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (76db1fd) - @xmlking
- prefix @spectacular for all apps - (8f3e0ce) - @xmlking
- prefix @spectacular for all apps - (ab9a770) - @xmlking
- prefix @spectacular for all apps - (e8f6de3) - @xmlking
- prefix @spectacular for all apps - (45192c2) - @xmlking
- update reset hasura on cloud - (af547a0) - @xmlking
- docs updated [skip ci] - (06323e7) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (f1c5bf1) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (6fb94e4) - @xmlking
- add CONTAINER_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS secret for nhost-run to pull images from private GHCR repo - (f229d93) - @xmlking
- add CONTAINER_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS secret for nhost-run to pull images from private GHCR repo - (ca1440e) - @xmlking
- removed redundant config - (8843401) - @xmlking
- removed redundant config - (7e38248) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (672be79) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (92f2079) - @xmlking
- remove unused env variables - (6bcdc18) - @xmlking
- config files - (cd0097e) - @xmlking
- config files - (2f3d9e8) - @xmlking
- config files - (aae6d58) - @xmlking
- Dockerfile remove old .env - (1a8b4cf) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (58f1a92) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (a566b9c) - @xmlking
- nhost config - (b1b81f5) - @xmlking
- docs updated - (29c8a1a) - @xmlking
- updated example secrets - (5e2a5a9) - @xmlking
- docker compose - (b757e6f) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (8ba5e53) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (38c3265) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (a12d5e7) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (ee443fe) - @xmlking
- fix git clean command [skip ci] - (5916200) - @xmlking
- updated nhost docs - (8710f62) - @xmlking
- updated docker doc [skip ci] - (359a0a4) - @xmlking
- switching to nhost cli to start backend - (a0ffe6f) - @xmlking
- switching to nhost cli to start backend - (9ad8edc) - @xmlking
- (console) restructure chrome-ai store - (98174b8) - @xmlking
- (console) restructure chrome-ai store - (11d5711) - @xmlking
- (console) user edit page - (5ee506d) - @xmlking
- remove unused infra and config folders - (a5e7e2b) - @xmlking
- remove old modules console-fb console-sc playground - (ea9f7c9) - @xmlking
- (console) fix alignment for preate policy - (d396cc8) - @xmlking
- (console) fix alignment for preate policy - (ce439d5) - @xmlking
- (console) fix alignment for preate policy - (ae25dbc) - @xmlking
- fix lint issues - (807ec52) - @xmlking
v0.4.2 - 2024-08-15
v0.4.1 - 2024-08-15
v0.4.0 - 2024-08-14
- (console) remove dead code - (59aa74f) - @xmlking
- (console) add policy create route w.i.p - (4ab73f3) - @xmlking
- (console) add policy create route w.i.p [skip ci] - (fc10a22) - @xmlking
- (console) implement server side search for policies - (903cb1e) - @xmlking
- (console) add TODO note to add - (29a1b46) - @xmlking
- (console) add TODO note to add - (a920000) - @xmlking
- (console) update chromeai lib - (c34cc07) - @xmlking
- (console) updated vercel AI SDK to 3.3 - (35e8913) - @xmlking
- (console) policy now using vincjo/datatables WIP - (ceb5cf7) - @xmlking
- (console) added more ai providers - (38768d8) - @xmlking
- (console) fixed pat token create - (f3ee53b) - @xmlking
- (console) fixed pat token create - (52becd0) - @xmlking
- (console) fixed updating plan user details metadata remove default org - (68944b2) - @xmlking
- (console) hide admin links for normal users - (d6ff7e8) - @xmlking
- (console) auth signup fix - (9382bb2) - @xmlking
- (console) user details form update is now working - (3a1828c) - @xmlking
- (console) refine user profile form - (1a7434f) - @xmlking
- (console) refine change password form - (5dea00f) - @xmlking
- (console) refine change password form - (9f02dd4) - @xmlking
- (console) refine change email form - (d1b4ca1) - @xmlking
- (console) using datatables - (392b5f0) - @xmlking
- (console) remove useless chip-buttin - (accbcb5) - @xmlking
- (console) remove useless chip-buttin - (ff9a499) - @xmlking
- (console) profile add PAT - (8f89c9c) - @xmlking
- (console) profile add PAT - (ab343be) - @xmlking
- (console) using more fragments - (610928d) - @xmlking
- (console) using houdini inline mutations and leveraging cache - (3a63a05) - @xmlking
- (console) using houdini inline mutations and leveraging cache - (ef9b765) - @xmlking
- (console) move nhost util functions into nhost store class - (af90d49) - @xmlking
- (console) move nhost util functions into nhost store class - (8455439) - @xmlking
- (console) using houdini setClientSession to update accessToken when token refreshed on client side - (9d32580) - @xmlking
- (console) merge main - (cdcdab2) - @xmlking
- (console) update HasuraClaims after token refresh or elevate - (15adc73) - @xmlking
- (console) using houdini fragments - (50a743c) - @xmlking
- (console) using houdini fragments - (711a5be) - @xmlking
- (console) add missing translations - (d08f59d) - @xmlking
- (console) fix tests - (10016c2) - @xmlking
- (console) save client side session into cookie after webauthn, and also use it with houdini - (cc37494) - @xmlking
- (console) save client side session into cookie after webauthn, and also use it with houdini - (d333129) - @xmlking
- (console) refine profile page - (f0652d2) - @xmlking
- (console) refine profile page - (41607b4) - @xmlking
- (console) trying fragments for Rules with hudini - (bde6cca) - @xmlking
- (console) trying fragments for Rules with hudini - (261bb78) - @xmlking
- (console) trying fragments for Rules with hudini - (77e2f1a) - @xmlking
- (console) format - (bea3a2c) - @xmlking
- (console) w.i.p - (ff8263f) - @xmlking
- (console) popup close after navigate in avatar menu - (a2a9fba) - @xmlking
- (console) webauthn config for docker-compose - (2987bc6) - @xmlking
- (console) signin with webauthn w.i.p - (49e07b5) - @xmlking
- (console) mailpit and profile w.i.p - (45930fb) - @xmlking
- (console) auth - (51fca32) - @xmlking
- (console) auth - (ca0b991) - @xmlking
- (console) refactor auth - (3a0e086) - @xmlking
- (console) increase magic-spell prompt input size - (b54deb1) - @xmlking
- (console) add adminSecret option for houdini client - (39fed25) - @xmlking
- (console) workaround for vercel AI SDK issue - (9defb36) - @xmlking
- (console) apply ratelimit for magic-spell - (55872cf) - @xmlking
- (console) apply ratelimit for magic-spell - (eef97b3) - @xmlking
- (cosole) remove debug logs - (19231be) - @xmlking
- (hasura) fix hasura permissions - (f7a77c2) - @xmlking
- (hasura) add Role Hierarchy - (a2858f1) - @xmlking
- (hasura) add Role Hierarchy - (edfd883) - @xmlking
- (hasura) fix hasura permissions - (1cbc404) - @xmlking
- (hasura) add access permissions for storage and security_keys tables - (61586c3) - @xmlking
- (hasura) add enforce_single_default_role trigger - (bc3cb85) - @xmlking
- (nhost) add hasura auth REST testcase - (4e349a2) - @xmlking
- (nhost) add hasura auth REST testcase - (744bccc) - @xmlking
- (nhost) auth tests - (33a2b8b) - @xmlking
- (skeleton) remove unused components - (aee165b) - @xmlking
- (web) using Speculation Rules Web API and data-astro-prefetch - (b344cdc) - @xmlking
- fix turbo preview - (bd89e95) - @xmlking
- lint code - (e8e560a) - @xmlking
- deps update rollback for console - (835c13a) - @xmlking
- using timescaledb docker image for pgai and vectorscale extentions - (466589f) - @xmlking
- updated deps - (e901730) - @xmlking
- updated deps - (116590e) - @xmlking
- updated deps - (f77c9fb) - @xmlking
- updated deps - (bb798dd) - @xmlking
- versions updated - (60a9b00) - @xmlking
- profile changes - (11d98b3) - @xmlking
- lint code - (340e987) - @xmlking
- fix passwordless loging session refresh - (46235a4) - @xmlking
- convert store into context store - (a4f13ca) - @xmlking
- profile changes - (7c3d521) - @xmlking
- profile changes - (b3d96b5) - @xmlking
- profile changes - (3896b39) - @xmlking
- cleanup - (72d47c6) - @xmlking
- profile forms using formsnap - (8a5b7e7) - @xmlking
- updated shadcn-svelte components to latest - (5873423) - @xmlking
- setting NHOST_GRAPHQL_URL to match to self-hosting env - (db66dbb) - @xmlking
- setting turbo ui mode default to stream - (bc19262) - @xmlking
- add elevated store and indicator in the header avatar - (5668c68) - @xmlking
- added indicator comp - (8d8b6a7) - @xmlking
- signin with page.ts, signOut fix in layout - (adc0c25) - @xmlking
- mailpit - (9f869e3) - @xmlking
- using validators for sugnup - (74f070b) - @xmlking
- using mailpit - (916ef57) - @xmlking
- workarround for nhost.auth.signIn({ email, password } bug - (b73856d) - @xmlking
- fix Graceful termination, device ui - (96a28e6) - @xmlking
- switch Zero-JavaScript View Transitions - (e973ac2) - @xmlking
- client side nhost - (7cdcb60) - @xmlking
- using css field-sizing: content for autosize - (b049bf2) - @xmlking
- using css field-sizing: content for autosize - (65005c3) - @xmlking
- Tailwind CSS Typography class: prose applied for legal pages - (c49d236) - @xmlking
- lint - (124f08e) - @xmlking
- try astro new experimental env - (b431425) - @xmlking
- using svelte:actions for autosize textarea - (d449d3a) - @xmlking
- update deps and turbo - (ca4220b) - @xmlking
- upgrade turbo to 2.0.1 - (8f8c79a) - @xmlking
- changed nhost subscription - (90d2bd6) - @xmlking
- changed nhost subscription - (406a14a) - @xmlking
- astro web 404 workarround - (cefcfee) - @xmlking
- astro web 404 workarround - (ba4110f) - @xmlking
- update playwright config - (351e07c) - @xmlking
- trsting - (fbbd653) - @xmlking
- update playwright config - (7bc6f2a) - @xmlking
- remove vite-plugin-tailwind-purgecss vite plugin as it is not needed for Tailwind v4 - (0086338) - @xmlking
- add bun lock - (3a0dac0) - @xmlking
- change biome --apply to --write - (e3c0a07) - @xmlking
- biome chaning lets to const, reverted - (77f24ce) - @xmlking
- biome chaning lets to const, reverted - (6a5b3c7) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (f97257c) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (17926a6) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (71b64c0) - @xmlking
- add Generate Artifact Attestation task for CICD - (f60e4d1) - @xmlking
- using HASURA_GRAPHQL_CONSOLE_ASSETS_DIR to make hasure console work offline - (f695a97) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (653c476) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (005afc0) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (d196cc7) - @xmlking
- unlock vite from 5.2.13 as houdini issue fixed - (820821d) - @xmlking
- lock vite to 5.2.13 due to houdini issues - (fa2d58e) - @xmlking
- deps updated, fix syntax - (79e5116) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (1659ae3) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (dd7799a) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (633bd17) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (6adca37) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (0400b27) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (51785a4) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (17b037c) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (149acc2) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (dc9ec3a) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (4946ab5) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (01fae6d) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (13c56b9) - @xmlking
- (console) deps update [skip ci] - (9a79e98) - @xmlking
- (console) deps update [skip ci] - (1a7dd56) - @xmlking
- (docs) adding how to clone and setup this repo - (be0d06a) - @xmlking
- update vercel docs - (9e2e568) - @xmlking
- (console) adding policy route W.I.P - (04b370f) - @xmlking
- (console) adding swapy for dashboard - (f3e3a9d) - @xmlking
- (console) adding feature flags support via vercel - (9d0ce2d) - @xmlking
- (console) adding feature flags support via vercel - (322b40c) - @xmlking
- (console) client-side session managment for webauthn - (aff4a0f) - @xmlking
- (console) client-side session managment for webauthn - (b1db9ee) - @xmlking
- (console) password reset implemented - (4782df5) - @xmlking
- (hasura) add user groups - (c5b6684) - @xmlking
- (hasura) add user groups - (4fed7aa) - @xmlking
- (hasura) add user groups - (8b26463) - @xmlking
- adding spectacular/role-houdini plugin - (9a6415c) - @xmlking
- adding spectacular/role-houdini plugin - (6487166) - @xmlking
- adding spectacular/role-houdini plugin - (698c2d1) - @xmlking
- adding spectacular/role-houdini plugin - (4904f9f) - @xmlking
- adding spectacular/role-houdini plugin - (73b182f) - @xmlking
- adding spectacular/role-houdini plugin - (1f6a2ce) - @xmlking
- adding spectacular/role-houdini plugin - (4a8345a) - @xmlking
- adding spectacular/role-houdini plugin - (23a259a) - @xmlking
- adding feature flags support via vercel - (8416397) - @xmlking
- adding feature flags support via vercel - (ac2a08a) - @xmlking
- using store with svelte context for load-state to make it work with SSR - (331ecb2) - @xmlking
- file names - (cd682d2) - @xmlking
- file names - (574ac9a) - @xmlking
- file names - (19330d7) - @xmlking
- file names - (0f2d941) - @xmlking
- (console) lint fix - (8f9c395) - @xmlking
- (console) lint fix - (42cf412) - @xmlking
- (console) lint fix - (5dee120) - @xmlking
- (console) rename middleware to hooks - (890622a) - @xmlking
- (console) lint fix - (ee7e065) - @xmlking
- lint fix - (65b7c3a) - @xmlking
- lint fix - (d2e3d7c) - @xmlking
- refactor - (9b82314) - @xmlking
- working on lint - (1dd8386) - @xmlking
- working on lint - (aeace07) - @xmlking
- working on lint - (1b3160a) - @xmlking
- working on lint - (b6dada9) - @xmlking
- working on lint - (4da5cbc) - @xmlking
- working on lint - (6d69f57) - @xmlking
- working on lint - (4467162) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (2aec430) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (d75354d) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (fd04b75) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (77ae631) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (293e6ae) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (fdbed22) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (092df3a) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (44e3f34) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (2a5628f) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (8b3e34d) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (68fdf16) - @xmlking
- replace Prettier and ESLint with Biome - (db300c9) - @xmlking
v0.3.1 - 2024-05-28
- biome chaning lets to const, reverted - (23453ef) - @xmlking
- biome chaning lets to const, reverted - (0dd43c6) - @xmlking
v0.3.0 - 2024-05-28
- markdown vscode settings - (dceb78c) - @xmlking
- set trailingComma to its default i.e., all - (9f02fa4) - @xmlking
- using space instead of tab for indent - (0c687a2) - @xmlking
- using space instead of tab for indent - (6c6acec) - @xmlking
- using space instead of tab for indent - (10a2f8c) - @xmlking
- using space instead of tab for indent - (6dae52b) - @xmlking
- using space instead of tab for indent - (bb21cef) - @xmlking
- using space instead of tab for indent - (abadf6d) - @xmlking
- using space instead of tab for indent - (efc8231) - @xmlking
- using space instead of tab for indent - (ea2aa8d) - @xmlking
- using svelteIndentScriptAndStyle: false - (a9ef87d) - @xmlking
v0.2.3 - 2024-05-24
- (actions) move README to workflows [skip ci] - (0c503ac) - @xmlking
- (actions) using cocogitto for PR linting - (52cc1c6) - @xmlking
- adding biome toolchain - (b5572b9) - @xmlking
- deps - (47f4e76) - @xmlking
- refine github actions - (36e07b1) - @xmlking
- refine github actions - (52fdff1) - @xmlking
- remove versions for pnpm/action-setup as we have packageManager in package.json - (02072f0) - @xmlking
- refactor route directories - (d9c1b65) - @xmlking
- deps - (2608a48) - @xmlking
- sidebar links - (196e8f9) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (4da0bb2) - @xmlking
- deploy docs to GH Pages via GitHub Actions - (d2e428b) - @xmlking
- deploy docs to GH Pages via GitHub Actions - (461fcf9) - @xmlking
- deploy docs to GH Pages via GitHub Actions - (a059918) - @xmlking
- deploy docs to GH Pages via GitHub Actions - (2e14368) - @xmlking
v0.2.2 - 2024-05-14
- (actions) pnpm version missmatch in CI with COREPACK_ENABLE_STRICT=0 [skip ci] - (09bd06e) - @xmlking
v0.2.1 - 2024-05-14
v0.2.0 - 2024-05-14
- (auth) rules - (44ea222) - @xmlking
- (console) using absolute path for form actions in signin route - (a6b0ab1) - @xmlking
- (console) add details for App.Error - (7547d7a) - @xmlking
- (console) use i18n.resolveRoute for all server-side redirect) - (6f9936c) - @xmlking
- (console) upgrade to latest paraglide-js-adapter-sveltekit - (fe0333f) - @xmlking
- (console) add houdinigraphql - (1883f66) - @xmlking
- (console) login refine - (be43e53) - @xmlking
- (console) update auth/sign-up - (045d3f7) - @xmlking
- (console) rollback vite from 5 to 4.5.1 - (73cbddd) - @xmlking
- (console) add console2 - (6d06dfc) - @xmlking
- (console) add console2 - (c286a59) - @xmlking
- (console-fb) using redirectWithFlash and remove throw - (8d74252) - @xmlking
- (console-fb) remove vercel config file - (b52a504) - @xmlking
- (console-fb) update onError() and use SelectFB for forms - (63b0cc6) - @xmlking
- (console-fb) update onError() and use SelectFB for forms - (0f9008a) - @xmlking
- (console-fb) move missing icons - (776dc53) - @xmlking
- (console-fb) remove preloadStrategy: preload-mjs which fixed sveltejs/kit#11390 - (de41769) - @xmlking
- (console-fb) add AUTH_REDIRECT_PROXY_URL - (3e66ac3) - @xmlking
- (console-fb) using shared utils - (1e40e74) - @xmlking
- (console2) style.position - (f82e2dc) - @xmlking
- (console3) enhance layout - (eb7b363) - @xmlking
- (docker) bypass .git copy restriction in dockerfile - (7bc82af) - @xmlking
- (docker) use user:group in compose.yml - (2329e6c) - @xmlking
- (docker) using COMPOSE_FILE COMPOSE_PROFILES - (1b8ec7a) - @xmlking
- (docs) vscode mdx settings - (79bdcd2) - @xmlking
- (docs) add detect theme - (a7d4fe7) - @xmlking
- (docs) add docs route - (7961a3b) - @xmlking
- (docs) add contact page - (3c28d6c) - @xmlking
- (docs) switching from flowbite-svelte-icons to svelte-awesome-icons for skeleton UI projects - (88d4e34) - @xmlking
- (docs) add NavBar in AppBar - (3693310) - @xmlking
- (docs) fix format - (ca71e64) - @xmlking
- (docs) add mermaid - (8651ae7) - @xmlking
- (docs) remove themer - (e5e37dd) - @xmlking
- (docs) remove themer - (eb2b66f) - @xmlking
- (docs) remove themer - (1c12694) - @xmlking
- (docs) using skeletonUI - (efd00f6) - @xmlking
- (docs) dynamic adapters, comments components - (7dc0e05) - @xmlking
- (docs) add vite-pwa - (cc3d8be) - @xmlking
- (docs) update docs readme - (d998684) - @xmlking
- (docs) add guides resource - (3afeabf) - @xmlking
- (hasura) cleanup schema - (de1d87d) - @xmlking
- (hasura) add triggers to automatically add remove rows in user_org_roles table - (d312e96) - @xmlking
- (hasura) fix orgs schema - (d33389a) - @xmlking
- (hasura) permissions - (0e0636f) - @xmlking
- (hasura) adding storage and auth hasura metadata [skip ci] - (e8e93ce) - @xmlking
- (hasura) adding storage and auth hasura metadata [skip ci] - (07ce841) - @xmlking
- (nhost) remove ai overlay from nhost - (514e7b6) - @xmlking
- (nhost) comment out user_org_groups SQL - (148a683) - @xmlking
- (nhost) comment out user_org_groups SQL - (cee5c0a) - @xmlking
- (nhost) comment out user_org_groups SQL - (57a0bc4) - @xmlking
- (nhost) add provider.smtp - (e30fa1c) - @xmlking
- (nhost) remove provider.smtp - (ed81f9c) - @xmlking
- (playground) fix tsparticles - (69d45a7) - @xmlking
- (playground) run typesafe-i18n everytime run or build - (5fe1cf0) - @xmlking
- (ui) add OutClock component - (397160f) - @xmlking
- (utils) add myFetch util function - (950e001) - @xmlking
- (web) add landing page - (28420b9) - @xmlking
- (web) add tailwind - (2facc47) - @xmlking
- (web) using nhost for hasura - (fdb6532) - @xmlking
- (web) using nhost for hasura - (0882641) - @xmlking
- (web) upgrade svelte4 for superforms - (4cb4b2a) - @xmlking
- (web) add sliding animation for view-transitions - (cabe6bd) - @xmlking
- (web) adding hasura claims - (922f08f) - @xmlking
- trying to fix case-sensitive paths with git - (f9ff9ae) - @xmlking
- trying to fix case-sensitive paths with git - (67f3cdb) - @xmlking
- fix type in migrations sql, missing semicolon - (3c9f3b9) - @xmlking
- session cookie expire time to same as refreshToken - (39e3500) - @xmlking
- workarround for nhost/nhost#2028 - (8642e15) - @xmlking
- nhost new project - (a9ab30e) - @xmlking
- nhost subdomain change - (c803fba) - @xmlking
- fix eslint config - (681dc02) - @xmlking
- using user_allowed_orgs database function to retrieve allowed orgs - (e5e9b5d) - @xmlking
- fix BASE_HOSTNAME for apps - (09428ce) - @xmlking
- lock node engines node>=20 and pnpm >=8 - (57ff3e2) - @xmlking
- lock node engines node>=20 and pnpm >=8 - (a57eb03) - @xmlking
- fix hasura migrations scripts - (dbe77ff) - @xmlking
- fix github actions - (02132ea) - @xmlking
- bypass test:unit:coverage for docs and fb - (5c7be5e) - @xmlking
- update github actions versions - (13af01d) - @xmlking
- move getOrg to lib/server/utils - (ee52744) - @xmlking
- remove anonymous access and use adminSecret to get orgs - (6d23138) - @xmlking
- env settings - (aa57c51) - @xmlking
- setting default_org in metadata - (ad72635) - @xmlking
- env settings - (9a2a51b) - @xmlking
- use dotenv-run correctly - (267fb5c) - @xmlking
- just name mailpit as mailhog to use without tls - (a4e785d) - @xmlking
- env vars - (f530007) - @xmlking
- env vars - (98f0a0c) - @xmlking
- env vars - (775609f) - @xmlking
- enable resources - (b0cdf54) - @xmlking
- enable resources - (5af2539) - @xmlking
- cleaup permissions - (cd049cd) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (95ec7ba) - @xmlking
- fix signout redirect issue - (77f640f) - @xmlking
- fix signout redirect issue - (3371057) - @xmlking
- fix service start order when starting with docker compose - (3fd2a7a) - @xmlking
- update nhost config - (301f260) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (a776904) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (31f5e28) - @xmlking
- add basic auth for dashboard service via traefik - (6f184c5) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (27b3930) - @xmlking
- add page-container - (f77f654) - @xmlking
- change anonymous role to public - (22f88ac) - @xmlking
- using nhost dashboard - (9969415) - @xmlking
- add env for integration tests - (c846297) - @xmlking
- add vercel injectSpeedInsights - (5eae8e1) - @xmlking
- updated deps - (49c6905) - @xmlking
- updated deps - (42174d4) - @xmlking
- now using package.json imports and exports for path alias instead of tsconfig or svelte config - (9a383bc) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (7857ee0) - @xmlking
- updated deps - (11ec696) - @xmlking
- using root level .env .secrets as well for svelte apps - (5114322) - @xmlking
- Makefile updated with new features - (48c71b3) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (adbd3e4) - @xmlking
- enabled storage servcie to start during local dev - (5bbdd12) - @xmlking
- enabled storage servcie to start during local dev - (b81e308) - @xmlking
- updated deps - (aed8a7f) - @xmlking
- dockerfile make SCOPE=console default - (8bf7af5) - @xmlking
- authjs updates - (14adb8d) - @xmlking
- add Paneforge lib - (38cd65f) - @xmlking
- replace mailhog with mailpit, upgrade vite-pwa and add pwa/assets-generator - (6001ee7) - @xmlking
- add kustomize env [skip ci] - (9132f3b) - @xmlking
- added mock logins for testing - (6834bad) - @xmlking
- enable nhost dashboard in compose file - (c57c6e8) - @xmlking
- updated markuplintrc - (760c8b2) - @xmlking
- move user_org_groups to new migration - (ac4009b) - @xmlking
- adding infra - (6a814da) - @xmlking
- adding infra - (7ab6f46) - @xmlking
- adding infra - (8c4ed43) - @xmlking
- adding infra - (a267f9f) - @xmlking
- update @inlang/paraglide-js-adapter-sveltekit and apply changes - (39767f5) - @xmlking
- add go-to-top button - (58e74b2) - @xmlking
- using latest dotenv-run - (30bbec3) - @xmlking
- update astro version - (63ca4d6) - @xmlking
- using local context util - (71b1826) - @xmlking
- apply vite pre-bundling-dependencies for monorepo - (e538d48) - @xmlking
- apply vite pre-bundling-dependencies for monorepo - (85caf77) - @xmlking
- sideEffects to ui lib packages - (221d2f5) - @xmlking
- move skeleton pcss to packages/skeleton - (b9c7e8e) - @xmlking
- move skeleton pcss to packages/skeleton - (df49f06) - @xmlking
- add tailcall - (1d3a5e8) - @xmlking
- fix tsparticles/svelte import for SSR - (9970715) - @xmlking
- fix tsparticles/svelte import for SSR - (ac731ee) - @xmlking
- create console3 and addted tailwind - (979bffa) - @xmlking
- add @spectacular namespace for all modules under packages - (074f5c9) - @xmlking
- upgrade to new turborepo svelte example - (fcfd2c1) - @xmlking
- upgrade to new turborepo svelte example - (62f8ea7) - @xmlking
- remove packages/ui-flowbite - (86d7ad1) - @xmlking
- deps updated and format - (33d3d96) - @xmlking
- deps updated and format - (797b83c) - @xmlking
- nhost config - (a46f649) - @xmlking
- update nhost docker image versions - (6d0308b) - @xmlking
- remove local DarkMode component - (3266965) - @xmlking
- sk 2 /dynamic/private issue - (4a76fc5) - @xmlking
- docs updated - (0dbe8eb) - @xmlking
- cleanup - (01d9fff) - @xmlking
- upgrade to sveltekit 2 and update deps - (3f434b7) - @xmlking
- update nhost versions - (ecb8d45) - @xmlking
- update all robots.txt files - (3035f0f) - @xmlking
- using dynamic SITE_URL , prettier ignore .vercel - (5cd5300) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (848dce1) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (686de46) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (f884bba) - @xmlking
- add vercel for astro - (7fac569) - @xmlking
- update deps - (e79771e) - @xmlking
- update turbo and astro - (013a8c9) - @xmlking
- polish Dockerfile, cog.toml [skip ci] - (9f114b5) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (cea4fb3) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (3528c50) - @xmlking
- init script checking if running in CI - (b90e25b) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (3e2dd4a) - @xmlking
- upgraded @dotenv-run/cli - (734f191) - @xmlking
- test deployment - (981afe3) - @xmlking
- lock vite to 4.5.0 - (f7d250a) - @xmlking
- adding dotenv-run to npm scripts - (dbf918c) - @xmlking
- adding dotenv-run to npm scripts - (134c247) - @xmlking
- refactor, deps update - (cce3518) - @xmlking
- remove web/.env - (b05740e) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (3628be4) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (2ec2c41) - @xmlking
- nhost files ignored from format - (8cea23c) - @xmlking
- format web - (30ba7fc) - @xmlking
- fix format/lint for 90% - (6da3ee0) - @xmlking
- polish workspace settings - (1f12bba) - @xmlking
- add RadioButton - (bfb03eb) - @xmlking
- authjs cookieName changed - (1baa47d) - @xmlking
- add enhanced:img dep - (5c62a75) - @xmlking
- add enhanced:img dep - (7c0e6ef) - @xmlking
- add blog - (ed02aae) - @xmlking
- add nhapp - (5efd2d0) - @xmlking
- add nhost - (9c0d86b) - @xmlking
- cleanup - (db164b4) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (a5e581f) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (ae4f74c) - @xmlking
- sveltekit-og cause build error: not found noto-sans-v27-latin-regular.ttf - (4263781) - @xmlking
- switch clsx with twMerge - (365a334) - @xmlking
- upgrade msw to 0.0.0-fetch.rc-20 - (e84f628) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (6a347bc) - @xmlking
- add theme change save action - (079e87e) - @xmlking
- remove lock on @sveltinio/widgets - (5ba30d1) - @xmlking
- lazy load demo updated - (01db822) - @xmlking
- using vite-imagetools for all apps - (7be2027) - @xmlking
- custom ESLint inplement Cascading and Hierarchy - (123d9fe) - @xmlking
- adding docs based on - (95d38af) - @xmlking
- update playground docs [skip ci] - (1e9acae) - @xmlking
- updated css FAQ [skip ci] - (198f9c6) - @xmlking
- now using sveltekit-view-transition - (11a0909) - @xmlking
- removed plugin-search-dir [skip ci] - (ac17bd3) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (011c842) - @xmlking
- adding bun - (4b85da1) - @xmlking
- adding bun - (7c37e2a) - @xmlking
- add lazy data load example with isDataRequest check [skip ci] - (e514b5a) - @xmlking
- remove unused docker file [skip ci] - (9de4d40) - @xmlking
- icon imports - (b045bf7) - @xmlking
- testing deploy [skip ci] - (9064302) - @xmlking
- (bun) refine setting for bun - (c1084bf) - @xmlking
- (deps) bump cocogitto/cocogitto-action from 3.6 to 3.7 - (1175981) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump oven/bun from 1.0.36 to 1.1.4 - (715f79f) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump oven/bun from 1.0.27 to 1.0.29 - (f82f17b) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump cocogitto/cocogitto-action from 3.5 to 3.6 - (cac7313) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump actions/dependency-review-action from 3 to 4 - (61f63a8) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump oven/bun from 1.0.15 to 1.0.21 - (78cb4ca) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 - (74d02d7) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump oven/bun from 1.0.3 to 1.0.15 - (978bff9) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 - (119ddfc) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump node from 20-slim to 21-slim - (1c36f3c) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) update deps [skip ci] - (60406d3) - @xmlking
- (deps) update deps [skip ci] - (6e4f277) - @xmlking
- (deps) update deps [skip ci] - (c5bbef6) - @xmlking
- (deps) update deps [skip ci] - (ee9feba) - @xmlking
- (deps) bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 - (0a181bb) - dependabot[bot]
- (docker) make graphite optional - (906c577) - @xmlking
- (web) fix build issues - (cb655ee) - @xmlking
- (web) fix adapter - (25c4a97) - @xmlking
- (web) fix adapter - (50298d3) - @xmlking
- (web) fix adapter - (c534976) - @xmlking
- (web) fix adapter - (cb1cee0) - @xmlking
- (web) fix adapter - (427c57b) - @xmlking
- (web) fix adapter - (08dd693) - @xmlking
- (web) fix adapter - (535e900) - @xmlking
- (web) fix adapter - (09f9663) - @xmlking
- (web) fix adapter - (0280a3f) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (34b9c6a) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (992b063) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (6663b2a) - @xmlking
- fix env - (0461772) - @xmlking
- fix env - (f75255a) - @xmlking
- docker images updated, auto create s3 bucket - (1217b14) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (5b1366c) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (509d9cf) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (396b1e9) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (ec86a5f) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (a0e1e5a) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (f695a3a) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (d2dd547) - @xmlking
- fix deps [skip ci] - (352f57c) - @xmlking
- fix deps [skip ci] - (f4c9c7c) - @xmlking
- fix deps [skip ci] - (37fdccc) - @xmlking
- fix deps [skip ci] - (ddd0178) - @xmlking
- fix deps [skip ci] - (90b2507) - @xmlking
- fix deps - (ac40b95) - @xmlking
- fix deps - (aba4f90) - @xmlking
- fix deps - (d0ee514) - @xmlking
- fix deps - (25388d8) - @xmlking
- fix deps - (4ccdb1f) - @xmlking
- fix github action: ci - (685fcaf) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (2fc6518) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (c3221e9) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (2a91db5) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (4001299) - @xmlking
- deps lock for sveltinio to work - (5f29c3f) - @xmlking
- Init Vercel Analytics - (d1abbe9) - @xmlking
- switch back to pnpm - (b95b166) - @xmlking
- switch back to pnpm - (491756e) - @xmlking
- switch back to pnpm - (b101e1c) - @xmlking
- switch back to pnpm - (83b17e4) - @xmlking
- switch back to pnpm [skip ci] - (1a6eebe) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (32a4a65) - @xmlking
- (hasura) updated hasura migrate create docs - (543278f) - @xmlking
- (web) add play-astro link to README [skip ci] - (d565fad) - @xmlking
- hasure setup docs - (7fe8240) - @xmlking
- add chmod for htpasswd - (4857c47) - @xmlking
- add docs for inlang i18n - (adfbde6) - @xmlking
- add docs for inlang i18n - (d41ab9d) - @xmlking
- added Micro-Frontends - (9c1c249) - @xmlking
- add vercel docs - (2ed407c) - @xmlking
- vercel docs updated - (5788123) - @xmlking
- polish [skip ci] - (d989bbf) - @xmlking
- polish [skip ci] - (3dc6fc9) - @xmlking
- polish - (ea03cbc) - @xmlking
- polish - (6e7907b) - @xmlking
- polish - (8925444) - @xmlking
- rename Svelte-Starter-Kit to spectacular [skip ci] - (81b1ade) - @xmlking
- (console) signup form now take terms and verify conform password - (445be38) - @xmlking
- (console) setting houdini session - (5305f5b) - @xmlking
- (console) adding Rate Limiter middleware - (ca02542) - @xmlking
- (console) adding loading indicators spinner and bar - (2497fed) - @xmlking
- (console) adding loading indicators spinner and bar - (5be4851) - @xmlking
- (console) adding sveltekit-view-transition - (c17ffc2) - @xmlking
- (console) add avatar in the Header - (eb515a0) - @xmlking
- (console) add page-load-spinner - (23fed74) - @xmlking
- (console2) add layercharts - (3274f65) - @xmlking
- (console2) add Datatable - (54a0c2c) - @xmlking
- (console2) add i18n - (bc5851f) - @xmlking
- (console2) add layercharts - (f7ab953) - @xmlking
- (docs) add fonts for docs - (7ead593) - @xmlking
- (hasura) adding is_default_role to user_org_roles table - (6ac26c5) - @xmlking
- (nhost) enable Graphite - (9a90837) - @xmlking
- (playground) improve i18n - (2f89b03) - @xmlking
- (playground) add i18n - (958f5dd) - @xmlking
- (playground) add i18n - (6a0c176) - @xmlking
- (playground) add i18n - (e548cf5) - @xmlking
- (web) add lght switcher - (55952d2) - @xmlking
- (web) adding HasuraAdapter [wip] - (7f440f5) - @xmlking
- allow setting preload option for links in sidenav - (87a46b7) - @xmlking
- add auth guard for app routes, handling session expires for graphql - (5fb331f) - @xmlking
- using * for local backend running - (d150274) - @xmlking
- tryig kustomize - (2b6c366) - @xmlking
- upgrade hasura version to v2.37.0 - (00d0947) - @xmlking
- move set_current_timestamp_updated_at back to up.sql file - (e98e5f1) - @xmlking
- adding Kustomize config - (1de76d4) - @xmlking
- add console3 app with shadcn - (7b298bf) - @xmlking
- add console3 app with shadcn - (31f8fb1) - @xmlking
- add console3 app with shadcn - (138955b) - @xmlking
- add console3 app with shadcn - (baa0da4) - @xmlking
- add console app - (a30b6fc) - @xmlking
- (console-fb) upgrade to sveltekit-superforms v2 - (6a69a44) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (ae4ae2f) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (8407ca0) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (0a26294) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (36f3f7a) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (ce748be) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (6bbd2ed) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (06d4010) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (6dbbb75) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (07eab90) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (89ed8c4) - @xmlking
- update deps - (91d920a) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (fc735a1) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (820c753) - @xmlking
- build fix - (d77a90c) - @xmlking
- upgrade deps - (dd39cf8) - @xmlking
- upgrade github actions - (54afbd6) - @xmlking
- upgrade deps - (e995743) - @xmlking
- update deps - (5e576cd) - @xmlking
- update deps - (b237a1c) - @xmlking
- update deps - (bdd22b8) - @xmlking
- update deps - (d1e730b) - @xmlking
- update deps - (7b74f1d) - @xmlking
- update deps - (41c1f1a) - @xmlking
- update deps - (9a73d60) - @xmlking
- update deps - (c7e7e22) - @xmlking
- update deps - (1714d66) - @xmlking
- update deps - (89ec6ca) - @xmlking
- update deps - (dd93186) - @xmlking
- update deps - (31f2001) - @xmlking
- update deps - (3625554) - @xmlking
- update deps - (31d74bd) - @xmlking
- update deps - (49cc9e7) - @xmlking
- update deps - (1e4f7b1) - @xmlking
- update deps - (fc315ac) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (4bd34ba) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (7581c56) - @xmlking
- deps updated - (403a92c) - @xmlking
- (console) switching from typesafe-i18n inlang - (09675cc) - @xmlking
- (offline) remove offline app - (de3fb87) - @xmlking
- (playground) using inlang for i18n - (16315f6) - @xmlking
- (playground) using inlang for i18n - (b51be4b) - @xmlking
- (playground) using inlang for i18n - (3ec801a) - @xmlking
- (playground) using inlang for i18n - (82d6136) - @xmlking
- (web) add svelte - (d19a4a4) - @xmlking
- (web) add astro app - (94c4fd5) - @xmlking
- hasura schema reorder - (ff925d9) - @xmlking
- hasura schema reorder - (bac0927) - @xmlking
- improve trubo config - (61c84c9) - @xmlking
- remove nhapp and update deps - (1f11c71) - @xmlking
- move console to console-fb, console2 to console and console3 to console-sc - (2acfd8c) - @xmlking
- refactor packages - (c5b72c0) - @xmlking
- refactor packages - (a27f6b4) - @xmlking
- add Starlight docs app and removed web - (2c6de89) - @xmlking
- add Starlight docs app and removed web - (32a1c29) - @xmlking
- rename docs to web - (051e83f) - @xmlking
- rename docs to web - (77e0464) - @xmlking
- rename web app to console - (7d8788e) - @xmlking
- rename utilities to experiments - (f3c6249) - @xmlking
- fix lint - (5076119) - @xmlking
- fix lint - (91937e0) - @xmlking
- fix lint - (5c1a48e) - @xmlking
- sort keys in package.json - (9ef26ad) - @xmlking
- fix cspell config - (c708c55) - @xmlking
- fix format - (a9ebf44) - @xmlking
- fix format [skip ci] - (3412499) - @xmlking
- fix format [skip ci] - (33cf17d) - @xmlking
- fix format [skip ci] - (32ef0ec) - @xmlking
- fix eslint for mdx [skip ci] - (4c35d73) - @xmlking
- fix eslint for mdx [skip ci] - (a0a9d9e) - @xmlking
- fix eslint for mdx [skip ci] - (587f70c) - @xmlking
- fix format [skip ci] - (104e228) - @xmlking
- fix format [skip ci] - (71a440b) - @xmlking
- fix lint issues - (5e683cd) - @xmlking
v0.1.2 - 2023-09-11
v0.1.1 - 2023-09-11
v0.1.0 - 2023-09-11
- (playground) desable prerender crawl - (83baa91) - @xmlking
- (seo) add SEO svelte-meta-tags [skip ci] - (35bff53) - @xmlking
- testing deploy [skip ci] - (534997c) - @xmlking
- testing deploy [skip ci] - (1a6ec44) - @xmlking
- testing deploy - (232f0a2) - @xmlking
- testing deploy - (15077ad) - @xmlking
- Retry the test - (07330fa) - @xmlking
- adding vercel.json [skip ci] - (b6110b6) - @xmlking
- Update node version - (c375160) - @xmlking
- update flowbite-svelte-icons - (15d2aee) - @xmlking
- add offline [skip ci] - (f345c74) - @xmlking
- add transitions [skip ci] - (f035a57) - @xmlking
- add formsnap [skip ci] - (d2a1436) - @xmlking
- update deps [skip ci] - (7c8bea2) - @xmlking
- playbook updated [skip ci] - (cb41334) - @xmlking
- rename basic to playground [skip si] - (a86352f) - @xmlking
- workspace update [skip ci] - (fee7d51) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (26936ef) - @xmlking
- add view-transition css for layout - (c93cc76) - @xmlking
- add view-transition css for layout - (c3aea50) - @xmlking
- switch to flowbite-svelte-icons - (a440ad8) - @xmlking
- add ui-flowbite module - (aedefb3) - @xmlking
- svelte-heros-v2 lib updated [skip ci] - (ce7ae70) - @xmlking
- svelte-heros-v2 lib updated - (4ff697f) - @xmlking
- format code [skip ci] - (6036687) - @xmlking
- add basic and web modules - (2fd9046) - @xmlking
- deps updated [skip ci] - (f08399a) - @xmlking
- add vscode config - (5857c8f) - @xmlking
- add tailwindcss config - (7c24ceb) - @xmlking
- (deps) bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 - (b977ee6) - dependabot[bot]
- (playground) add dockerfile - (66c5258) - @xmlking
- remove shared-workspace-lockfile=false to resole turborepo issue - (bb92ec4) - @xmlking
- cleanup [skip ci] - (ae72943) - @xmlking
- remove shared-workspace-lockfile=false to resole turborepo issue - (e54a43b) - @xmlking
- remove shared-workspace-lockfile=false to resole turborepo issue - (145098f) - @xmlking
- cleanup [skip ci] - (2fcdbed) - @xmlking
- cleanup [skip ci] - (a0f0bca) - @xmlking
- cleanup [skip ci] - (3adeff8) - @xmlking
- refactor README [skip ci] - (e1b7440) - @xmlking
- adding docs from svelte-starter-kit - (c932be0) - @xmlking
- fix add vercel/analytics [skip ci] - (f3d5f32) - @xmlking
- fix add vercel/analytics [skip ci] - (a638672) - @xmlking
- fix lint [skip ci] - (7baf541) - @xmlking
- fix lint [skip ci] - (7c30b6b) - @xmlking
Changelog generated by cocogitto.