Yasneen Ashroff
June 6, 2017
This page contains links to my interactive applications built in R. These cannot be displayed in github.
The below interactive maps were created in plotly and are hosted on rpubs:
- Crime rates in American cities: https://rpubs.com/yashroff/USA_Crime_rates
- US Arrests by population: https://rpubs.com/yashroff/Week3
- US Population in 1975: http://rpubs.com/yashroff/283094
The below apps were created using shiny.
- Girth vs volume of trees: https://yashroff.shinyapps.io/girth_vs_volume_of_trees/
- Based on historical data from 1940 to 1965, predict future American household expenditures using linear regression: https://yashroff.shinyapps.io/DevelopingDataProducts/