#!/usr/bin/env cabal {- cabal: build-depends: base, linear-base, random -} {-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} -- | This module implements quicksort with mutable arrays from linear-base import Data.Array.Mutable.Linear (Array) import qualified Data.Array.Mutable.Linear as Array import qualified Prelude as P import Data.Unrestricted.Linear import GHC.Stack import Prelude.Linear hiding (partition, unfoldr) import Data.List (unfoldr) import System.Random -- # Quicksort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quickSort :: [Int] -> [Int] quickSort xs = unur $ Array.fromList xs $ Array.toList . arrQuicksort arrQuicksort :: Array Int %1 -> Array Int arrQuicksort arr = Array.size arr & \(Ur len, arr1) -> go 0 (len - 1) arr1 go :: Int -> Int -> Array Int %1 -> Array Int go lo hi arr | lo >= hi = arr | otherwise = Array.read arr lo & \(Ur pivot, arr1) -> partition arr1 pivot lo hi & \(arr2, Ur ix) -> swap arr2 lo ix & \arr3 -> go lo (ix - 1) arr3 & \arr4 -> go (ix + 1) hi arr4 -- | @partition arr pivot lo hi = (arr', Ur ix)@ such that -- @arr'[i] <= pivot@ for @lo <= i <= ix@, -- @arr'[j] > pivot@ for @ix < j <= hi@, -- @arr'[k] = arr[k]@ for @k < lo@ and @k > hi@, and -- @arr'@ is a permutation of @arr@. partition :: Array Int %1 -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Array Int, Ur Int) partition arr pivot lx rx | (rx < lx) = (arr, Ur (lx - 1)) | otherwise = Array.read arr lx & \(Ur lVal, arr1) -> Array.read arr1 rx & \(Ur rVal, arr2) -> case (lVal <= pivot, pivot < rVal) of (True, True) -> partition arr2 pivot (lx + 1) (rx - 1) (True, False) -> partition arr2 pivot (lx + 1) rx (False, True) -> partition arr2 pivot lx (rx - 1) (False, False) -> swap arr2 lx rx & \arr3 -> partition arr3 pivot (lx + 1) (rx - 1) -- | @swap a i j@ exchanges the positions of values at @i@ and @j@ of @a@. swap :: (HasCallStack) => Array Int %1 -> Int -> Int -> Array Int swap arr i j = Array.read arr i & \(Ur ival, arr1) -> Array.read arr1 j & \(Ur jval, arr2) -> (Array.set i jval . Array.set j ival) arr2 main = do let roll = uniformR (1, 6) rolls = unfoldr (P.Just P.. roll) pureGen = mkStdGen 42 print $ quickSort (P.take 10 (rolls pureGen))