Setup the action
Set up the action in the repository, where you'd like to create issues and pull requests, that need to use issues or pull requests from another repository within your organization.
Remember to setup
on: schedule: - cron: '0 0 * * *'
to regularly check the status of referenced issues in other repositories. Adjust the cron-schedule to your personal needs.
Create a new PAT
The default setup uses the pre-configured
, but that only enables access to the repository, in which the action is set up. Because of that, you need to create a new PAT (Personal Access Token). Consider using the organization account, to create the PAT.Follow the official documentation to create a new PAT:
When setting up the new PAT, you need to grant
permissions. Explanations for each permission can be found in the official documentation:https://docs.github.com/en/developers/apps/scopes-for-oauth-apps
Add a new secret in GitHub to access the PAT within the action-workflow
Follow the instructions under https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/authentication-in-a-workflow#granting-additional-permissions to add a new secret to the repository.
Integrate the secret in the dependent-issue workflow
Replace the usage of the
with your secret:jobs: check: steps: env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_NEW_TOKEN }}
Always use the GitHub secret-management to store your PATs! Never put secrets directly in your repository-source code!
Reference issues and pull requests from other organization repositories
Reference the issue or pull-request with the URL like the following example:
Depends on https://github.com/z0al/dependent-issues/pull/1
This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 26, 2023. It is now read-only.