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91 lines (70 loc) · 2.42 KB

The package provides OCaml bindings to the industrial-strength PicoSAT SAT solver.

The bindings are compatible with API version 953.

The package also contains a wrapper over PicoSAT that allows to provide the initial problem as a arbitrary logical formula (not CNF). Furthermore, the solver is able to produce all solutions (models) instead of a single one.


The package requires PicoSAT library. A linker should be able to access it via -lpicologic flag.

The bindings extensively uses OCaml ctypes library, which must present in the system.

Installation details can be found in INSTALL.txt file.

PicoSAT library installation details


The library may be installed from an unofficial Homebrew repository:


PicoSAT for Ubuntu is accessible from the official repository:

apt-get install picosat



This example is taken from the slides "Using High Performance SAT and QBF Solvers" and adopted to be used with the bindings.

let _ =
  let open Picosat in
  let psat = init () in
  let _ = add psat ~-2 in
  let _ = add psat 0 in
  let _ = add psat ~-1 in
  let _ = add psat ~-3 in
  let _ = add psat 0 in
  let _ = add psat 1 in
  let _ = add psat 2 in
  let _ = add psat 0 in
  let _ = add psat 2 in
  let _ = add psat 3 in
  let _ = add psat 0 in
  match sat psat ~-1 with
  | Unknown -> print_endline "UNKNOWN"
  | Satisfiable -> print_endline "SATISFIABLE"
  | Unsatisfiable -> print_endline "UNSATISFIABLE"


In this example the initial formula is provided in an arbitrary form. The solver finds and prints all possible assignments for the variables.

let _ =
  let formula = Logic.((Var "p") * (~-(Var "m")) + (Var "n")) in
  let result = Logic.all_solutions [formula] in
  match result with
  | None -> print_endline "Solution does not exist"
  | Some lst ->
      (fun x ->
        List.iter (fun (var, value) ->
          Printf.printf "%s <- %s\n" var (if value then "true" else "false")
        ) x;
        print_newline ()
      ) lst


Everyone is more than welcome to contact regarding issues and suggestions.