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1 原理


  • w i 表示第i个观察样本的权重;
  • a i 表示第i个观察样本的特征向量;
  • b i 表示第i个观察样本的标签。


m i n i m i z e x 1 2 i = 1 n w i ( a i T x b i ) 2 k = 1 n w k + 1 2 λ δ j = 1 m ( σ j x j ) 2


  这个目标函数有一个解析解法,它仅仅需要一次处理样本来搜集必要的统计数据去求解。与原始数据集必须存储在分布式系统上不同, 如果特征数相对较小,这些统计数据可以加载进单机的内存中,然后在driver端使用乔里斯基分解求解目标函数。

  spark ml中使用WeightedLeastSquares求解带权最小二乘问题。WeightedLeastSquares仅仅支持L2正则化,并且提供了正则化和标准化 的开关。为了使正太方程(normal equation)方法有效,特征数不能超过4096。如果超过4096,用L-BFGS代替。下面从代码层面介绍带权最小二乘优化算法 的实现。

2 代码解析


private[ml] class WeightedLeastSquares(
    val fitIntercept: Boolean,  //是否使用截距
    val regParam: Double,    //L2正则化参数,指上面公式中的lambda
    val elasticNetParam: Double,  // alpha,控制L1和L2正则化
    val standardizeFeatures: Boolean, // 是否标准化特征
    val standardizeLabel: Boolean,  // 是否标准化标签
    val solverType: WeightedLeastSquares.Solver = WeightedLeastSquares.Auto,
    val maxIter: Int = 100, // 迭代次数
    val tol: Double = 1e-6) extends Logging with Serializable 
 sealed trait Solver
 case object Auto extends Solver
 case object Cholesky extends Solver
 case object QuasiNewton extends Solver

  在上面的代码中,standardizeFeatures决定是否标准化特征,如果为真,则$\sigma_j$是A第j个特征列的总体标准差,否则$\sigma_j$为1。 standardizeLabel决定是否标准化标签,如果为真,则$\delta$是标签b的总体标准差,否则$\delta$为1。solverType指定求解的类型,有AutoCholeskyQuasiNewton三种选择。tol表示迭代的收敛阈值,仅仅在solverTypeQuasiNewton时可用。

2.1 求解过程


def fit(instances: RDD[Instance]): WeightedLeastSquaresModel


  • 1 统计样本信息
val summary = instances.treeAggregate(new Aggregator)(_.add(_), _.merge(_))


private class Aggregator extends Serializable {
    var initialized: Boolean = false
    var k: Int = _  // 特征数
    var count: Long = _  // 样本数
    var triK: Int = _  // 对角矩阵保存的元素个数
    var wSum: Double = _  // 权重和
    private var wwSum: Double = _  // 权重的平方和
    private var bSum: Double = _  // 带权标签和
    private var bbSum: Double = _  // 带权标签的平方和
    private var aSum: DenseVector = _  // 带权特征和
    private var abSum: DenseVector = _  // 带权特征标签相乘和
    private var aaSum: DenseVector = _  // 带权特征平方和


     * Adds an instance.
    def add(instance: Instance): this.type = {
      val Instance(l, w, f) = instance
      val ak = f.size
      if (!initialized) {
      assert(ak == k, s"Dimension mismatch. Expect vectors of size $k but got $ak.")
      count += 1L
      wSum += w
      wwSum += w * w
      bSum += w * l
      bbSum += w * l * l
      BLAS.axpy(w, f, aSum)
      BLAS.axpy(w * l, f, abSum)
      BLAS.spr(w, f, aaSum) // wff^T
     * Merges another [[Aggregator]].
    def merge(other: Aggregator): this.type = {
      if (!other.initialized) {
      } else {
        if (!initialized) {
        assert(k == other.k, s"dimension mismatch: this.k = $k but other.k = ${other.k}")
        count += other.count
        wSum += other.wSum
        wwSum += other.wwSum
        bSum += other.bSum
        bbSum += other.bbSum
        BLAS.axpy(1.0, other.aSum, aSum)
        BLAS.axpy(1.0, other.abSum, abSum)
        BLAS.axpy(1.0, other.aaSum, aaSum)


aBar: 特征加权平均数
bBar: 标签加权平均数
aaBar: 特征平方加权平均数
bbBar: 标签平方加权平均数
aStd: 特征的加权总体标准差
bStd: 标签的加权总体标准差
aVar: 带权的特征总体方差


// 缩放bBar和 bbBar
val bBar = summary.bBar / bStd
val bbBar = summary.bbBar / (bStd * bStd)

val aStd = summary.aStd
val aStdValues = aStd.values
// 缩放aBar
val aBar = {
      val _aBar = summary.aBar
      val _aBarValues = _aBar.values
      var i = 0
      // scale aBar to standardized space in-place
      while (i < numFeatures) {
        if (aStdValues(i) == 0.0) {
          _aBarValues(i) = 0.0
        } else {
          _aBarValues(i) /= aStdValues(i)
        i += 1
val aBarValues = aBar.values
// 缩放 abBar
val abBar = {
      val _abBar = summary.abBar
      val _abBarValues = _abBar.values
      var i = 0
      // scale abBar to standardized space in-place
      while (i < numFeatures) {
        if (aStdValues(i) == 0.0) {
          _abBarValues(i) = 0.0
        } else {
          _abBarValues(i) /= (aStdValues(i) * bStd)
        i += 1
val abBarValues = abBar.values
// 缩放aaBar
val aaBar = {
      val _aaBar = summary.aaBar
      val _aaBarValues = _aaBar.values
      var j = 0
      var p = 0
      // scale aaBar to standardized space in-place
      while (j < numFeatures) {
        val aStdJ = aStdValues(j)
        var i = 0
        while (i <= j) {
          val aStdI = aStdValues(i)
          if (aStdJ == 0.0 || aStdI == 0.0) {
            _aaBarValues(p) = 0.0
          } else {
            _aaBarValues(p) /= (aStdI * aStdJ)
          p += 1
          i += 1
        j += 1
val aaBarValues = aaBar.values
  • 2 处理L2正则项
val effectiveRegParam = regParam / bStd
val effectiveL1RegParam = elasticNetParam * effectiveRegParam
val effectiveL2RegParam = (1.0 - elasticNetParam) * effectiveRegParam

// 添加L2正则项到对角矩阵中
var i = 0
var j = 2
while (i < triK) {
   var lambda = effectiveL2RegParam
   if (!standardizeFeatures) { 
       val std = aStdValues(j - 2)
       if (std != 0.0) {
          lambda /= (std * std) //正则项标准化
       } else {
          lambda = 0.0
   if (!standardizeLabel) {
        lambda *= bStd
   aaBarValues(i) += lambda
   i += j
   j += 1
  • 3 选择solver

  WeightedLeastSquares实现了CholeskySolverQuasiNewtonSolver两种不同的求解方法。当没有正则化项时, 选择CholeskySolver求解,否则用QuasiNewtonSolver求解。

val solver = if ((solverType == WeightedLeastSquares.Auto && elasticNetParam != 0.0 &&
      regParam != 0.0) || (solverType == WeightedLeastSquares.QuasiNewton)) {
      val effectiveL1RegFun: Option[(Int) => Double] = if (effectiveL1RegParam != 0.0) {
        Some((index: Int) => {
            if (fitIntercept && index == numFeatures) {
            } else {
              if (standardizeFeatures) {
              } else {
                if (aStdValues(index) != 0.0) effectiveL1RegParam / aStdValues(index) else 0.0
      } else {
      new QuasiNewtonSolver(fitIntercept, maxIter, tol, effectiveL1RegFun)
    } else {
      new CholeskySolver


  • 4 处理结果
val solution = solver match {
      case cholesky: CholeskySolver =>
        try {
          cholesky.solve(bBar, bbBar, ab, aa, aBar)
        } catch {
          // if Auto solver is used and Cholesky fails due to singular AtA, then fall back to
          // Quasi-Newton solver.
          case _: SingularMatrixException if solverType == WeightedLeastSquares.Auto =>
            logWarning("Cholesky solver failed due to singular covariance matrix. " +
              "Retrying with Quasi-Newton solver.")
            // ab and aa were modified in place, so reconstruct them
            val _aa = getAtA(aaBarValues, aBarValues)
            val _ab = getAtB(abBarValues, bBar)
            val newSolver = new QuasiNewtonSolver(fitIntercept, maxIter, tol, None)
            newSolver.solve(bBar, bbBar, _ab, _aa, aBar)
      case qn: QuasiNewtonSolver =>
        qn.solve(bBar, bbBar, ab, aa, aBar)

    val (coefficientArray, intercept) = if (fitIntercept) {
      (solution.coefficients.slice(0, solution.coefficients.length - 1),
        solution.coefficients.last * bStd)
    } else {
      (solution.coefficients, 0.0)



// convert the coefficients from the scaled space to the original space
var q = 0
val len = coefficientArray.length
while (q < len) {
   coefficientArray(q) *= { if (aStdValues(q) != 0.0) bStd / aStdValues(q) else 0.0 }
   q += 1