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# UserAllOf


Name Type Description Notes
id int Internal TzKT id [optional]
type string [optional]
address string Public key hash of the account [optional]
alias string Name of the project behind the account or account description [optional]
public_key string Base58 representation of account's public key, revealed by the account [optional]
revealed bool Public key revelation status. Unrevealed account can't send manager operation (transaction, origination etc.) [optional]
balance int Account balance [optional]
rollup_bonds int Amount of tx rollup commitment bonds (micro tez) [optional]
smart_rollup_bonds int Amount of smart rollup commitment bonds (micro tez) [optional]
staked_balance int Amount staked with the selected baker (micro tez). Like delegated amount, except for it is frozen and can be slashed. [optional]
staked_pseudotokens string Amount of "pseudo-tokens" received after staking. These pseudotokens are used for unstaking. [optional]
unstaked_balance int Amount that was unstaked, but not yet finalized (i.e. it is still frozen) (micro tez) [optional]
unstaked_baker OneOfAlias Information about the baker, for which there are pending unstake requests [optional]
counter int An account nonce which is used to prevent operation replay [optional]
delegate OneOfDelegateInfo Information about the current delegate of the account. `null` if it's not delegated [optional]
delegation_level int Block height of latest delegation. `null` if it's not delegated [optional]
delegation_time \DateTime Block datetime of latest delegation (ISO 8601, e.g. `2020-02-20T02:40:57Z`). `null` if it's not delegated [optional]
num_contracts int Number of contracts, created (originated) and/or managed by the account [optional]
rollups_count int Number of tx rollups, created (originated) by the account [optional]
smart_rollups_count int Number of smart rollups, created (originated) by the account [optional]
active_tokens_count int Number of account tokens with non-zero balances [optional]
token_balances_count int Number of tokens the account ever had [optional]
token_transfers_count int Number of token transfers from/to the account [optional]
active_tickets_count int Number of tickets the account owns. [optional]
ticket_balances_count int Number of tickets the account ever owned. [optional]
ticket_transfers_count int Number of ticket transfers from/to the account. [optional]
num_activations int Number of account activation operations. Are used to activate accounts that were recommended allocations of tezos tokens for donations to the Tezos Foundation’s fundraiser [optional]
num_delegations int Number of delegation operations, related to the account [optional]
num_originations int Number of all origination (deployment / contract creation) operations, related to the account [optional]
num_transactions int Number of all transaction (tez transfer) operations, related to the account [optional]
num_reveals int Number of reveal (is used to reveal the public key associated with an account) operations of the contract [optional]
num_register_constants int Number of register global constant operations sent by the account [optional]
num_set_deposits_limits int Number of set deposits limit operations sent by the account [optional]
num_migrations int Number of migration (result of the context (database) migration during a protocol update) operations, related to the account (synthetic type) [optional]
tx_rollup_origination_count int Number of tx rollup origination operations sent by the account [optional]
tx_rollup_submit_batch_count int Number of tx rollup submit batch operations sent by the account [optional]
tx_rollup_commit_count int Number of tx rollup commit operations sent by the account [optional]
tx_rollup_return_bond_count int Number of tx rollup return bond operations sent by the account [optional]
tx_rollup_finalize_commitment_count int Number of tx rollup finalize commitment operations sent by the account [optional]
tx_rollup_remove_commitment_count int Number of tx rollup remove commitment operations sent by the account [optional]
tx_rollup_rejection_count int Number of tx rollup rejection operations sent by the account [optional]
tx_rollup_dispatch_tickets_count int Number of tx rollup dispatch tickets operations sent by the account [optional]
transfer_ticket_count int Number of transfer ticket operations sent by the account [optional]
increase_paid_storage_count int Number of `increase_paid_storage` operations sent by the account [optional]
drain_delegate_count int Number of `drain_delegate` operations related to the account [optional]
smart_rollup_add_messages_count int Number of `smart_rollup_add_messages` operations related to the account [optional]
smart_rollup_cement_count int Number of `smart_rollup_cement` operations related to the account [optional]
smart_rollup_execute_count int Number of `smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message` operations related to the account [optional]
smart_rollup_originate_count int Number of `smart_rollup_originate` operations related to the account [optional]
smart_rollup_publish_count int Number of `smart_rollup_publish` operations related to the account [optional]
smart_rollup_recover_bond_count int Number of `smart_rollup_recover_bond` operations related to the account [optional]
smart_rollup_refute_count int Number of `smart_rollup_refute` operations related to the account [optional]
refutation_games_count int Number of smart rollup refutation games related to the account [optional]
active_refutation_games_count int Number of active smart rollup refutation games related to the account [optional]
staking_ops_count int Number of staking operations related to the account [optional]
staking_updates_count int Number of staking updates related to the account [optional]
set_delegate_parameters_ops_count int Number of set delegate parameters operations related to the account [optional]
dal_publish_commitment_ops_count int Number of DAL publish commitment operations related to the account [optional]
first_activity int Block height of the first operation, related to the account [optional]
first_activity_time \DateTime Block datetime of the first operation, related to the account (ISO 8601, e.g. `2020-02-20T02:40:57Z`) [optional]
last_activity int Height of the block in which the account state was changed last time [optional]
last_activity_time \DateTime Datetime of the block in which the account state was changed last time (ISO 8601, e.g. `2020-02-20T02:40:57Z`) [optional]
extras mixed Off-chain extras [optional]
metadata mixed [DEPRECATED] [optional]
lost_balance int [DEPRECATED] [optional]

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