👋 Hi, I’m @0Farah0
👀 I’m interested in:
- Exploring how AI can detect and prevent cyber threats, from advanced malware to phishing attacks.
- Creating new applications and tools that leverage AI to solve real-world problems and improve people's lives.
- Keeping up with the latest advancements in AI and exploring new techniques and methodologies.
🌱 I’m currently learning:
- Diving deep into generative AI, reinforcement learning, and large language models. I'm particularly interested in exploring how these technologies can revolutionize education and cybersecurity.
- Understanding the implications of AI on society and ensuring it's developed and used responsibly.
- Keeping up with the rapid pace of innovation in the AI field. From TensorFlow to PyTorch and beyond, the tools that can help me solve complex problems.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on:
- Projects that push the boundaries of AI and cybersecurity integration. Think Skynet with manners.
- Open-source learning resources that make tech education accessible to everyone. Knowledge is power, folks!
- Anything that involves using my mad Tableau skills to make data sing (yes, data can sing, trust me).
📫 How to reach me: You already found me here! But if you're feeling social, hit me on LinkedIn (link in the contact section).
⚡ Fun fact: I once used SPSS to predict the best flavor of ice cream for a summer party. Turns out, it's ALWAYS mint chocolate chip. Don't fight science.