A journal application for ALC 3.0( Andela learning community) Android Development track
install git and android studio
git clone https://github.com/iPR0D1G1/Writeley.git <my project repo>
open in android studio
Android Studio
- Architecture Components( LiveData, ViewModel)
- FirebaseAuth
- Yonga Springfield -Initial work
- John Carlyle -Initial work
- Macougoum Junie -Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
As for the licence, I really don't care much as long as my moral person isn't hurt, feel free to do whatsoever you you feel to
- Hat tip to Andela for conferring us the spirit of self development and education
- Hat tip to Udacity for thier wonderful course content on Android Development
- Hat tip to Google for such a wonderful opportunity given us.