This project aim to check data for lidar slam algorithm (lio-sam) A tool box to verify data set, use checklist.yaml to set every data's path.
Data set being checked can include the following data:
- ROSBAG. At most include pointcloud msg, imu msg and gnss msg;
- PCD files. Pointcloud data types in file;
- CONFIG FILE. Like lio-sam params.yaml.
Including modules:
- common parts. This part include an enum problem struct, which can be easily matched. And several pointcloud type for XYZIRT;
- gnss check class. This part check rosbag gnss msg status and data quality;
- imu check class. This part check rosbag imu msg status and data quality;
- pcd check class. This part check pcd files' quality;
- rosbag check class. This part check rosbag pointcloud msg and data quality;
- yaml check class. This part print msg information as written in param.yaml.
- catkin_make
- source devel/setup.bash
- rosrun data_check data_check checklist.yaml