Task Management App is a user-friendly web-based task management application that revolutionizes the way users organize their responsibilities. Users can create a personalized account, providing a secure login for seamless access to their tasks anytime, anywhere. The platform empowers users to efficiently manage their tasks through a straightforward interface, allowing for the effortless addition, deletion, and editing of tasks.
One distinctive feature of TaskEase is its dynamic task visualization. As tasks progress, users can easily track their status through three categories: "In Progress," "Completed," and "Future." The platform employs an intuitive color-coding system, with tasks changing to red after their due date has passed, providing a visual cue to prioritize and address overdue tasks promptly. This visual feedback ensures users stay organized and focused on their time-sensitive responsibilities, making TaskEase an indispensable tool for effective task management.
- Akash Kumar R [https://github.com/AKASH-KUMAR-R]
- Abhijith K B [https://github.com/abijithkbijumon]
- Adithyan P [https://github.com/Adithyan-123456789]
- Anirudh P [https://github.com/anirudhhh04]
1)To create an account, users need to register, and their information is stored in the backend.
2)Upon logging in,users are directed to a page displaying all the tasks
3)Task can be added using the + icon on left side of the taskbar
4)Upon selecting a particular task,it can viewed and edited as per the user's choice
5)The tasks are divided into 3 sections:in progress,completed,future and user can add the task into the particular section
6)Search option is provided inorder to filter out the available tasks
7)User can sign out using the "Sign Out" button returning them to the login/registration page.
- React
- Django
Instructions for setting up project FrontEnd: You need to install node.js.You can download and install them from the official website: https://nodejs.org/en.
Frontend: Frontend can be run using npm start command.