- installing requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
running bots in background bash ./bots_startup_scripts.sh
stopping bots
ps -Af | grep -v grep | grep main.py # list processes ps -Af | grep -v grep | grep init.py # list processes <process_id> sudo kill -9 p_id # repeat for each process process listed by above command
replit scrapy
- asyncpraw
- ffmpeg
- pynacl : for voice functions
- scrapy
- qrcode flask youtube_dl qrcode config python-dotenv twisted asyncpraw
ffmpeg prawcore discord.py aio.http
- general
- help
- games
- music
##debug: commands.qr, commands.riddles ⬇️
##databases: from replit import db
db['unleash_ioe_notifi'] = [channels_id_list]
db['unleash'] = {'channel_id':['subreddits']}
esay search, complicateed update/retrive
db['count_ids'] = [id1, id2, id3, ...]
db['count_values'] = [val1, val2, val3, ...]
easy update, difficult search db['count_ids'] = [[]] db['last_counter'] = [[]] db['count_values'] = [[]]
def append(value):
word_chain_game (count_modification): db['count_ids'] -> db['chain_ids'] = [] db['last_counter'] -> db['last_chain_author'] = {} #make it list db['count_values'] -> db['chain_length'] = [] # length of chain db['last_chain_word'] = []
sharing global variables across models
- Music: queue, play, pause, resume, stop, skip, loop, shuffle, volume
- FM
- News
- update reddit help
- unleash redit -> enable/disable -> via abstraction
- replit.py: store to db/backup time=35 # replit.py basics
- Hybrid Commands: slash commands + normal commands
- Game: Count is working now
- Debug unleash reddit
- .vent: echo message attachments