To better prepare for D9 I am rerunning my expertiment of checking everything for readiness.
See the project setup script for instructions on how I set up my environment.
Hit me up on drupal (mcdwayne) or midcamp slack (dwaynemcdaniel) for questions and for the needed CSV, which I am coordinating through google sheets. The sheet I am working from is here:
Storing the XML files temporarily in an invite only Google Drive. Once we done, will post al at once in a folder here.
Huge props to @AaronFeledy for the love and creating a Lando setup.
You can run this with a little bit of fuss, it is a WIP.
to use lando, do this:
lando start
to build the environment -
lando serve
to start the Drupal server -
drop the csv into the project's web folder (or modify the script to point where you like)
check local permissions to make sure others can write to your 'reports' file
time for one more final
git commit -am 'ready to roll'
In a new terminal tab, cd to the project then
lando check
to start. -
- If you plan to run multiple instances, run
lando gimme4
to build 3 additional environments and follow on screen instructions for starting those instances.
- If you plan to run multiple instances, run