Hello and welcome to my project~!
Well, I say that, but the entire purpose behind this jam sessions
repository is that it becomes a basket for any and all things I do that help develop my programming skills(specifically python).
This will be where all my practice gets shown off, essentially.
All of my sessions will be posted into 3 categories:
mini_project_sessions: this will a collection of small projects to test what I've been learning.
practice_sessions: a collection of notes and other miscellaneous things.
junk_sessions: as stated, it's a collection of junk. Don't worry about it.
If you're curious, I'll do my best to regarly update this readme file with my progress. All feedback is welcome.
- logplan_module - this is a module with 25 functions that could be used in the logistics planning department(especially packaging).
# 7.
def tot_inserts_per_day(annual_demand, lot_size, inserts_per_bin, total_production_days = 365):
Calculates the total inserts required per day
:param annual_demand: total parts needed for 1 year(expected to be an integer)
:param lot_size: lot size of a part(expected to be an integer)
:param inserts_per_bin: total inserts used per bin(expected to be an integer)
:param total_production_days: total days of expected production(expected to be an integer)
:return: the total inserts required per day(expected to be a string)
tot_bins = annual_demand / lot_size
tot_bins_per_day = tot_bins / total_production_days
inserts_required = tot_bins_per_day * inserts_per_bin
return f"Inserts required per day: {inserts_required:.2f}"
- one_piece_quiz - this quiz tests you on a few basic questions on one piece and scores how well you've done.
# 8.
giant = input("What is the name of the giant that used to take care of Nico Robin? ").lower()
if giant == "jaguar d. saul":
score += 1
elif giant == "saul":
score += .5
phoebe_adventures - this is a "choose your own adventure"-style game that centres around helping Phoebe Erin Class get home.
manga_eda - this is my first eda done on the "best-selling-manga.csv" dataset. I even made some charts!
- python_test - this is a python test that I developed to score on how well people do on random python questions. It was a fun experience!
def custom_pie_chart(data):
x = data,
autopct = '%1.2f%%',
textprops = {'fontsize': 14},
colors = ['#77BFE2', 'tomato'],
startangle = 90,
counterclock = False
label = title,
fontdict = {'fontsize': 16},
pad = 20
- luhn algorithm - this is an algorithm that can help determine if your identification number is legit or not.
def check_luhn(card_no):
n_digits = len(card_no)
n_sum = 0
is_second = False
for i in range(n_digits - 1, -1, -1):
d = ord(card_no[i]) - ord('0')
if (is_second == True):
d = d * 2
# We add two digits to handle
# cases that make two digits after
# doubling
n_sum += d // 10
n_sum += d % 10
is_second = not is_second
if (n_sum % 10 == 0):
return True
return False
- tic_tac_toe - this is a program that allows you to play tic-tac-toe(aka X's and O's).
def victory_for(board, sgn):
if sgn == "X":
who = "me"
elif sgn == "O":
who = "you"
who = None
cross1 = cross2 = True
for rc in range(3):
if board[rc][0] == sgn and board[rc][1] == sgn and board[rc][2] == sgn:
return who
if board[0][rc] == sgn and board[1][rc] == sgn and board[2][rc] == sgn:
return who
if board[rc][rc] != sgn:
cross1 = False
if board[2 - rc][2 - rc] != sgn:
cross2 = False
if cross1 or cross2:
return who
return None
- practice_functions - this is a collection of smaller functions that I rewrote for practice.
def pyramid_height():
This function returns number layers a 2D pyramid would make if you input the total blocks used.
>> pyramid_height()
Enter total blocks used: 300
The height of a pyramid: 24
blocks = int(input("Enter total blocks used: "))
counter = 1
layers = 0
while blocks > 0:
counter += 1
layers += 1
blocks -= counter
print("The height of a pyramid:", layers)
- class_timer - this is a class named 'Timer' that helps me familiarize myself with the concept of classes.
class Timer:
def __init__(self, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0):
self.__hours = hours
self.__minutes = minutes
self.__seconds = seconds
def __str__(self):
return two_digits(self.__hours) + ":" + \
two_digits(self.__minutes) + ":" + \
- oop_essentials - a file that covers all the main ideas of object-oriented programming with class examples.
class Car:
def __init__(self, make, model):
self.make = make
self.model = model
self.engine = Engine() # composition
def drive(self):
return self.engine.start() + f" - {self.make} {self.model} is moving."
- As previously stated, it will be a collection of junk. Don't worry about it.