This repository contains a collection of practical programs for Compiler Design, written in C. These programs cover various aspects of compiler design, including lexical analysis, parsing, and validation.
Lexical Analyzer
- Program to implement a Lexical Analyzer.
Count Digits, Vowels, and Symbols
- Program to count digits, vowels, and symbols in a given input.
Validation of User Name and Password
- Program to check the validation of a username and password.
Predictive Parsing LL(1)
- Program to implement Predictive Parsing using LL(1).
Recursive Descent Parsing
- Program to implement Recursive Descent Parsing.
Operator Precedence Parsing
- Program to implement Operator Precedence Parsing.
LALR Parsing
- Program to implement LALR (Look-Ahead LR) Parsing.
Aditya Raj - [email protected]
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