Inspired by and designed using Google's QuickDraw Dataset.
- A multiclass classifier model (classifying from 10 categories) is deployed in the drawing part of the game.
- The guessing part displays sketches stroke by stroke from a MongoDB database (containing 44 categories).
- Project Presentation
- Demo Video
1 Verify you have Nodejs and Python installed.
2 Install Desktop Development with C++.
- Install Visual Studio
- Open Visual Studio Installer and install Desktop Development with C++ workload.
- If you have used Visual Studio Installer before, click on Modify and scroll down to find the same.
3 Open the project folder in VS code and in terminal, run
npm install
npm rebuild @tensorflow/tfjs-node build-addon-from-source
for frontend, run
npm start
for server, run
cd backend
nodemon server
Open http://localhost:3000/ and Enjoy the Game!