0 commits
to 95d6bad1c9299b47c7fdc2f57e40890b5c3f1788
since this release
Bug Fixes
- Added _ to prevent exposing (f023d02)
- Added Collab file link (492f57a)
- Added desc (a8e125d)
- Added example msg for RS (f4b1476)
- Added final to paths (2b87585)
- Added Github link (6289244)
- Added init version number (c4eb965)
- Added new method for installing package. (6965aa3)
- Added notes to markdown (2bcb837)
- Added path (987b4e4)
- Added support for PyPy3.7 (e706885)
- Added tests for PyPy (ebed32b)
- Added verbosity to .md files (322b9cd)
- Added warning not to add emojis in README.md (283b663)
- Adding full util path (fd365a5)
- Base Class for all algorithms (2fe4dd1)
- BUG-FIX Fixed wrong soln lengths! (3b10804)
- Bump version (362e16c)
- Bump version to x.1.4 (6f5b821)
- Bumped to x.x.2 (2b18b57)
- Changed name of file (68f1f00)
- Changed path of PyPy setup (c3d6221)
- Changed renamed files import (6b68b2c)
- Changing to flopt (397cbd4)
- Changing utils to util (a22aebf)
- Delete :/ (977e6f4)
- Deleted file (0437d16)
- Experimental (b8990b8)
- Experimental (8dde940)
- Few updates to README.md (53764fc)
- Fix and sort imports (068c904)
- Fix older ver import name (9529435)
- Fix relative import (15b4c69)
- Fix relative imports (918a6bb)
- Fixed docstrings of ga.py (36e06d7)
- Fixed example (eccd843)
- Fixed file for testing with benchmark funcs (2875c19)
- Fixed GA_Reversed plot (a07c07d)
- Fixed imports (1f19160)
- Fixed imports (dec8e61)
- Fixed incorrect func name (931d0cd)
- Fixed Iterated Chaining docstring (c58538e)
- Fixed missing data file (3fe3862)
- Fixed missing link to CONTRIBUTING.md (033767b)
- Fixed overflow error in SA (cacd3ee)
- Fixed plotting utilities (b57f5c7)
- Fixed prob_mut-->prob_crossover in GA reverse mode (45e6743)
- Fixed read_file path & added FIX-NEEDED tag (1e33e79)
- Fixed README.md (868a829)
- Fixed rs.py docstring (254397e)
- Fixed sa.py (ea27e15)
- Fixed scores return value (ad0e870)
- Fixed seed and multiproc bug (915fa05)
- Fixed Simulated Annealing plot (2c0ae03)
- Fixed single_run and added multiple_tr_chaining (5297d20)
- Fixed temp recording before cooling (1bf6d8a)
- Fixed TyError unable to unpack values error :D (6f3e307)
- Fixed unused imports (14e35be)
- Fixed version and name (f614cc2)
- Fixes to README, remove unused import (fecfdd0)
- Fixing chaining (8a3d146)
- Fixing circular import (a3056c3)
- Fixing imports (5c173b9)
- Formatted multiprocessing file (31008d4)
- Formatting (8637773)
- idk trying tbh (07aa808)
- Minor comment out (35c3541)
- Modified algorithms for generalization (e2fa025)
- Modified mutation method (6204c29)
- Move fitness.py (f818a69)
- Moved fitness inside main folder (87ec089)
- Moved Iterated Chaining (6ca5415)
- Moved util files (3277b6f)
- New testabse from FlightAlgorithm (40df096)
- Remove file (f11b75a)
- Removed .egg-link(NON-WORKING) (bbe4b71)
- Removed a comment line (f5215f0)
- Removed default mutable argument (c5f6600)
- Removed for testing again (94e39af)
- Removed redundant file (f9ca513)
- Removed redundant files (86f0797)
- Removed redundant sys import (74f5007)
- Removed unecessary comment (959f598)
- Removede unnecessary comment (e98eb45)
- Rename again due to conflicsts (819f976)
- Renamed to _fname (fa41a29)
- Renamed to testbase (6d38fc6)
- Restructuring (63741c1)
- Reverted spelling (4775e39)
- RS running (c3f3b5a)
- Small change (26c7c32)
- Solved unused imports and created spefici file for fitness function (9d2f002)
- Some changes (a5118c2)
- Tested various funcs (c40d367)
- Tested with ga_reversals (de6adea)
- Testing Python version 3.7.10 (50dee25)
- Typo (4174002)
- Uncommented commands (b3a0771)
- Updated chaining msg (6d48993)
- Updated Commit Convention (952f897)
- Updated Readme with file link (08a0e10)
- Updated reference (4b43596)
- Useless commits (9d09be0)
- Add egg-link (77fcf4f)
- Added HillClimb (f8d8537)
- Added Ackley_N2 func (03dbd18)
- Added badges and improved README.md (a245e86)
- Added docstring Iter Chaining (eff61b8)
- Added docstrings for utliity functions (4311ef0)
- Added Flight Scheduling fitness_fn docstring (65a93c3)
- Added fliscopt example file (91bec49)
- Added GA classes (9bd730d)
- Added Ga_with_reversals (0722a2a)
- Added init CONTRIBUTING.md (df646c3)
- Added initial requirements (12dbc40)
- Added LICENSE (1597b67)
- Added max_time parameter & more (5291d95)
- Added rich pretty printing & other minor changes (b036206)
- Added seed parameter to all funcs (5e77054)
- Added single bash file for running tests (4c54b0d)
- Added subfolder to results (b3a8446)
- Added Zakharov func (4c3b5ea)
- Bash script for Conda and env installation (5f8d9ac)
- Encapsulated within main() (9e5c064)
- File for storing all domains (3f0d6eb)
- File for testing new functions to be integrated (057cf8e)
- GA Reversed & Mutation fn changes (fd2bf13)
- Implemented first version of IteratedChaining (99953b0)
- Implemented various benchmark funcs (86b6c9d)
- Incomplete feature (1e3ffb0)
- Installed (b9c3f94)
- Issue templates added (b3a12c9)
- Issue templates added (25f537d)
- Issue templates added (702fae8)
- Many changes (c68bfce)
- Modified Ackley_N2 parameters (85515bd)
- Multiprocessing feature added (8cc840e)
- Seperation of GA utils (d90f12a)
- Setup script & details (5768ef1)
- Tested all (f211e7a)
- Updated Contributing.md links (a64dd05)
- Updated example (f72285b)