A Gymnasium Environment implementation of the Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSP) using the disjunctive graph approach.
- Github: https://github.com/Alexander-Nasuta/graph-jsp-env
- PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/graph-jsp-env/
- Documentation: https://graph-jsp-env.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
This environment is inspired by the The disjunctive graph machine representation of the job shop scheduling problem by Jacek BĹ‚aĹĽewicz and Learning to Dispatch for Job Shop Scheduling via Deep Reinforcement Learning by Zhang et al.
This environment does not explicitly include disjunctive edges, like specified by Jacek BĹ‚aĹĽewicz, only conjunctive edges. Additional information is saved in the edges and nodes, such that one could construct the disjunctive edges, so the is no loss in information.
This environment is more similar to the Zhang, Cong, et al. implementation. Zhang, Cong, et al. seems to store exclusively time-information exclusively inside nodes (see Figure 2: Example of state transition) and no additional information inside the edges (like weights in the representation of Jacek BĹ‚aĹĽewicz).
The DisjunctiveGraphJssEnv uses the networkx
library for graph structure and graph visualization.
It is highly configurable and offers various rendering options.
Install the package with pip:
pip install graph-jsp-env
The code below shows a minimal working example without any reinforcement learning
import numpy as np
from graph_jsp_env.disjunctive_graph_jsp_env import DisjunctiveGraphJspEnv
jsp = np.array([
[[1, 2, 0], # job 0
[0, 2, 1]], # job 1
[[17, 12, 19], # task durations of job 0
[8, 6, 2]] # task durations of job 1
env = DisjunctiveGraphJspEnv(
normalize_observation_space=True, # see documentation of DisjunctiveGraphJspEnv::get_state for more information
flat_observation_space=True, # see documentation of DisjunctiveGraphJspEnv::get_state for more information
action_mode='task', # alternative 'job'
dtype='float32' # dtype of the observation space
terminated = False
info = {}
for i in range(6):
# get valid action mask. sample expects it to be a numpy array of type int8
mask = np.array(env.valid_action_mask()).astype(np.int8)
action = env.action_space.sample(mask=mask)
state, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
# chose the visualisation you want to see using the show parameter
# console rendering
env.render(show=["gantt_console", "graph_console"])
print(f"makespan: {info['makespan']}")
To run the example below you need to install the following packages:
pip install stable_baselines3
pip install sb3_contrib
It is recommended to use the MaskablePPO
algorithm from the sb3_contrib
import gymnasium as gym
import sb3_contrib
import numpy as np
from stable_baselines3.common.monitor import Monitor
from graph_jsp_env.disjunctive_graph_jsp_env import DisjunctiveGraphJspEnv
from graph_jsp_env.disjunctive_graph_logger import log
from sb3_contrib.common.wrappers import ActionMasker
from sb3_contrib.common.maskable.policies import MaskableActorCriticPolicy
jsp = np.array([
[[1, 2, 0], # job 0
[0, 2, 1]], # job 1
[[17, 12, 19], # task durations of job 0
[8, 6, 2]] # task durations of job 1
env = DisjunctiveGraphJspEnv(
action_mode='task', # alternative 'job'
env = Monitor(env)
def mask_fn(env: gym.Env) -> np.ndarray:
return env.unwrapped.valid_action_mask()
env = ActionMasker(env, mask_fn)
model = sb3_contrib.MaskablePPO(MaskableActorCriticPolicy, env, verbose=1)
# Train the agent
log.info("training the model")
The following example was provided by @nhuet. To run the example below you need to install the following packages:
pip install "ray[rllib]" torch "gymnasium[atari,accept-rom-license,mujoco]"
import numpy as np
import ray
from graph_jsp_env.disjunctive_graph_jsp_env import DisjunctiveGraphJspEnv
from ray.rllib.algorithms import PPO
from ray.tune import register_env
jsp = np.array(
[0, 1, 2], # machines for job 0
[0, 2, 1], # machines for job 1
[0, 1, 2], # machines for job 2
[3, 2, 2], # task durations of job 0
[2, 1, 4], # task durations of job 1
[0, 4, 3], # task durations of job 2
lambda env_config: DisjunctiveGraphJspEnv(
algo = PPO(config=PPO.get_default_config().environment("jsp"))
The environment offers multiple visualisation options. There are four visualisations that can be mixed and matched:
: a gantt chart visualisation in a separate windowgraph_window
: a graph visualisation in a separate window. This visualisation is computationally expensive.gantt_console
: a gantt chart visualisation in the consolegraph_console
: a graph visualisation in the console
The desired visualisation can be defaulted in the constructor of the environment with the argument default_visualisations
To enable all visualisation specify default_visualisations=["gantt_window", "gantt_console", "graph_window", "graph_console"]
The default visualisations are the used by the render()
method if no visualisations are specified (using the show
This visualisation can enabled by setting render_mode='window'
or setting the argument default_visualisations=["gantt_window", "graph_window"]
in the constructor of the environment.
Additional parameters for OpencCV will be passed to the cv2.imshow()
env.render(wait=1_000) # render window closes automatically after 1 seconds
env.render(wait=None) # render window closes when any button is pressed (when the render window is focused)
This visualisation can enabled by setting render_mode='window'
or setting the argument default_visualisations=["gantt_console", "graph_console"]
in the constructor of the environment.
Various examples can be found in the graph-jsp-examples repo.
This project is complementary material for a research paper. It will not be frequently updated. Minor updates might occur.
This project specifies multiple requirements files.
contains the dependencies for the environment to work. These requirements will be installed automatically when installing the environment via pip
contains the dependencies for development purposes. It includes the dependencies for testing, linting, and building the project on top of the dependencies in requirements.txt
In this Project the dependencies are specified in the pyproject.toml
file with as little version constraints as possible.
The tool pip-compile
translates the pyproject.toml
file into a requirements.txt
file with pinned versions.
That way version conflicts can be avoided (as much as possible) and the project can be built in a reproducible way.
If you want to check out the code and implement new features or fix bugs, you can set up the project as follows:
clone the repository in your favorite code editor (for example PyCharm, VSCode, Neovim, etc.)
using https:
git clone https://github.com/Alexander-Nasuta/graph-jsp-env
or by using the GitHub CLI:
gh repo clone Alexander-Nasuta/graph-jsp-env
if you are using PyCharm, I recommend doing the following additional steps:
- mark the
folder as source root (by right-clicking on the folder and selectingMark Directory as
->Sources Root
) - mark the
folder as test root (by right-clicking on the folder and selectingMark Directory as
->Test Sources Root
) - mark the
folder as resources root (by right-clicking on the folder and selectingMark Directory as
->Resources Root
at the end your project structure should look like this:
Most Developers use a virtual environment to manage the dependencies of their projects.
I personally use conda
for this purpose.
When using conda
, you can create a new environment with the name 'my-graph-jsp-env' following command:
conda create -n my-graph-jsp-env python=3.11
Feel free to use any other name for the environment or an more recent version of python. Activate the environment with the following command:
conda activate my-graph-jsp-env
Replace my-graph-jsp-env
with the name of your environment, if you used a different name.
You can also use venv
or virtualenv
to create a virtual environment. In that case please refer to the respective documentation.
To install the dependencies for development purposes, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
pip install tox
The testing package tox
is not included in the requirements_dev.txt
file, because it sometimes causes issues when
using github actions.
Github Actions uses an own tox environment (namely 'tox-gh-actions'), which can cause conflicts with the tox environment on your local machine.
Reference: Automated Testing in Python with pytest, tox, and GitHub Actions.
To install the project in editable mode, run the following command:
pip install -e .
This will install the project in editable mode, so you can make changes to the code and test them immediately.
This project uses pytest
for testing. To run the tests, run the following command:
For testing with tox
run the following command:
Tox will run the tests in a separate environment and will also check if the requirements are installed correctly.
In order to publish the project to PyPi, the project needs to be built and then uploaded to PyPi.
To build the project, run the following command:
python -m build
It is considered good practice use the tool twine
for checking the build and uploading the project to PyPi.
By default the build command creates a dist
folder with the built project files.
To check all the files in the dist
folder, run the following command:
twine check dist/**
If the check is successful, you can upload the project to PyPi with the following command:
twine upload dist/**
This project uses sphinx
for generating the documentation.
It also uses a lot of sphinx extensions to make the documentation more readable and interactive.
For example the extension myst-parser
is used to enable markdown support in the documentation (instead of the usual .rst-files).
It also uses the sphinx-autobuild
extension to automatically rebuild the documentation when changes are made.
By running the following command, the documentation will be automatically built and served, when changes are made (make sure to run this command in the root directory of the project):
sphinx-autobuild ./docs/source/ ./docs/build/html/
This project features most of the extensions featured in this Tutorial: Document Your Scientific Project With Markdown, Sphinx, and Read the Docs | PyData Global 2021.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me via email or open an issue on repository.