To display the chat in OBS, we can use a Wizebot widget overlay. This allows us to have a different chat while enjoying effects and features from Wizebot.
However when using some scenes in OBS with different chat configurations for each scene, the chat history is lost.
The purpose of this script is to maintain this history and ensure it is available even if we are not streaming.
Connect to a ssh with a root or similar account on your AlmaLinux :
dnf install epel-release
dnf module enable nodejs:20
dnf install nodejs -y
dnf install chromium -y
dnf install git -y
node -v
With your ssh session :
cd /var
mkdir nodejs
cd nodejs
git clone
cd wizebot-chat-history
npm i puppeteer
npm install puppeteer-core
npm install -g npm
Go to your admin panel
Open Widgets (overlays)
Open Widget chatbot
Create a new widget
Select the clean (on the right side) template
Import the following HTML code into the Wizebot HTML part :
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="template message_div animated fadeIn">
<div class="sticker" style="background-color:{user_color};"></div>
<div class="time">{message_time}</div>
<div class="badges"></div>
<div class="nicksimple">{user_display_name}</div>
<div class="nick"></div>
<div class="left"></div>
<div class="message" msgtype="{message_type}"></div>
<div id="messagescontainer">
<div id="messages" dir="ltr"></div>
<!-- Horizontal order : dir="ltr" = Left to right / dir="rtl" = Right to left -->
<!-- TAGs available : {user_name} {user_display_name} {user_name_full} (Display name + Username) {user_color} {user_invert_color} (For background ?) {user_badges} {message_text} {message_time} {message_type} {message_color} (For announcement type) -->
Clear the CSS code in the Wizebot CSS part
Change the channel name in the Javascript code in the Wizebot JAVASCRIPT part to your channel name
For my Twitch channel, I use :
var channel_name = "alexia_vassiliki";
Click on "Copy the link" on the top of the Wizebot web page
With your ssh session, open the wizebot-url.txt with nano
nano wizebot-url.txt
and paste the link into nano.
Now you could modify the CSS file named wizebot-inject.css to apply your own design.
Don't forget to restart the nodeJS script after each modification.
Open 1 or 2 TCP ports on your system :
8080 for HTTP
8443 for HTTPS if you provide some certs
You want to execute the wizebot-chat-history script now ?
Run the command : node wizebot-node.js
You'll see the following text :
HTTP server started
Press CTRL+C to stop the script.
With your ssh session :
chmod +x
We add the script into cron at startup, this command edit the cron with vim :
crontab -e
And adding the following line into the cron
@reboot sh /var/nodejs/wizebot-chat-history/ > /var/nodejs/wizebot-chat-history/wizebot-run.log
Note : If you prefer edit the cron with nano instead of vim
export VISUAL=nano
Or reselect VIM
export VISUAL=vim
We assume the script is running on a system using the IP and using the HTTP 8080 port.
The History is immediately cleared. All opened webpages need to be reloaded.
Open a new browser tab and paste the following url.
Wait for tab loading and close it. Now you need to reload all other tabs and windows displaying the chat.
This feature is very usefull before starting a new live stream to clear all previous messages.
There is 2 parameters : height and heightcolor :
height is chatbot text area in percents.
heightcolor is flat area color using a rgb value.
URL samples
messagesize is message size in css units (I recommand you to use vw and vh).
More information about CSS units.
URL samples
nicksize is nickname size in css units (I recommand you to use vw and vh).
URL samples
Highlighting a new message is a feature very useful for streamer to highlight all new incoming messages.
highlight parameter without any value will enable the feature. The new incoming messages is blinked some few seconds to highlight them.
URL sample
You could combine multiple parameters... You must use ? for the first parameter and & for each of the following parameters.
URL samples