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Scripting Tookie

alfredredbird edited this page Aug 25, 2024 · 3 revisions

Using a Bash Script

You can create a bash script to run Tookie-OSINT with predefined usernames and options. Here's an example:

  1. Create a Script: Save the following script as

    # List of usernames to search
    usernames=("john_doe" "jane_doe" "example_user")
    # Loop through each username and run Tookie-OSINT
    for username in "${usernames[@]}"
        echo "Searching for $username"
        python3 --username "$username" --site twitter,facebook
  2. Make the Script Executable:

    chmod +x
  3. Run the Script:


Using Cron Jobs (Linux/Mac)

You can schedule the script to run at specific intervals using cron jobs:

  1. Edit Crontab:

    crontab -e
  2. Add a Cron Job: Add the following line to run the script daily at midnight:

    0 0 * * * /path/to/

Using Task Scheduler (Windows)

For Windows, you can use Task Scheduler to automate the script:

  1. Create a Batch File: Save the following as automate_tookie.bat:

    @echo off
    python.exe C:\path\to\ --username john_doe --site twitter,facebook
    python.exe C:\path\to\ --username jane_doe --site twitter,facebook
  2. Schedule the Task:

    • Open Task Scheduler.
    • Create a new task.
    • Set the trigger to your desired schedule.
    • Set the action to run the batch file.

Using Python Script

You can also automate it directly within a Python script:

import os
import time

# List of usernames to search
usernames = ["john_doe", "jane_doe", "example_user"]

# Function to run Tookie-OSINT
def run_tookie(username):
    os.system(f"python3 --username {username} --site twitter,facebook")

# Loop through each username and run Tookie-OSINT
for username in usernames:
    print(f"Searching for {username}")
    time.sleep(10)  # Add delay if needed

You can schedule this Python script using cron jobs or Task Scheduler as described above.

These methods should help you automate Tookie-OSINT effectively.

📦 Running Tookie-OSINT in Headless Mode

  1. Install Tookie-OSINT: First, ensure you have Tookie-OSINT installed. If not, follow these steps:

    git clone
    cd tookie-osint
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. Create a Configuration File: You can create a configuration file to store your usernames and options. For example, create a file named config.txt:

    john_doe --site twitter,facebook
    jane_doe --site instagram,linkedin
  3. Modify the Script to Read from the Configuration File: Create a Python script named to read from the configuration file and run Tookie-OSINT:

    import os
    # Read the configuration file
    with open('config.txt', 'r') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
    # Loop through each line in the configuration file
    for line in lines:
        username, options = line.strip().split(' ', 1)
        command = f"python3 --username {username} {options}"
  4. Run the Script: Execute the script to run Tookie-OSINT in headless mode:


Example Configuration File

Here’s an example of what your config.txt might look like:

john_doe --site twitter,facebook
jane_doe --site instagram,linkedin
example_user --site github,reddit

Automating with Cron Jobs (Linux/Mac) or Task Scheduler (Windows)

You can schedule the script to run at specific intervals using cron jobs or Task Scheduler:

  • Cron Job:

    crontab -e

    Add the following line to run the script daily at midnight:

    0 0 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/
  • Task Scheduler:

    • Open Task Scheduler.
    • Create a new task.
    • Set the trigger to your desired schedule.
    • Set the action to run the Python script.

This setup allows you to run Tookie-OSINT in headless mode, automating the process without manual intervention.

📦 Customizing Output Format

  1. Modify the Script: Open the script (or the main script you are using) and locate the section where the results are printed or saved. You can customize this part to format the output as needed.

  2. Example: JSON Output: If you want to output the results in JSON format, you can use the json module in Python. Here’s an example of how to modify the script:

    import json
    # Example result data
    results = {
        "username": "john_doe",
        "sites": {
            "twitter": "",
            "facebook": ""
    # Convert results to JSON format
    json_output = json.dumps(results, indent=4)
    # Save to a file
    with open('results.json', 'w') as file:
  3. Example: CSV Output: If you prefer CSV format, you can use the csv module. Here’s an example:

    import csv
    # Example result data
    results = [
        {"username": "john_doe", "site": "twitter", "url": ""},
        {"username": "john_doe", "site": "facebook", "url": ""}
    # Define CSV file headers
    headers = ["username", "site", "url"]
    # Write results to CSV file
    with open('results.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:
        writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=headers)
  4. Example: HTML Output: For HTML output, you can use basic HTML formatting. Here’s an example:

    # Example result data
    results = {
        "username": "john_doe",
        "sites": {
            "twitter": "",
            "facebook": ""
    # Create HTML content
    html_content = f"""
    <head><title>OSINT Results</title></head>
        <h1>Results for {results['username']}</h1>
            <li>Twitter: <a href="{results['sites']['twitter']}">{results['sites']['twitter']}</a></li>
            <li>Facebook: <a href="{results['sites']['facebook']}">{results['sites']['facebook']}</a></li>
    # Save to an HTML file
    with open('results.html', 'w') as file:

Automating the Custom Output

You can integrate these modifications into your automation script to ensure the output is always in your desired format. For example, you can update the script to include the custom output formatting.

📦 Customizing Output for Specific Sites

  1. Identify the Additional Information: Determine what extra details you want to include in the output for each social media site. For example, you might want to add follower counts, account creation dates, or specific metadata.

  2. Modify the Script: Open the script (or the main script you are using) and locate the section where the results are processed. Add code to handle each site separately.

Example: Customizing JSON Output for Specific Sites

Here’s an example of how to modify the script to customize the JSON output for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram:

import json
import datetime

# Example result data
results = {
    "username": "john_doe",
    "search_time": str(,
    "search_parameters": {
        "sites": ["twitter", "facebook", "instagram"]
    "accounts_found": {
        "twitter": {
            "url": "",
            "followers": 1500,
            "account_creation_date": "2010-05-15"
        "facebook": {
            "url": "",
            "friends": 300,
            "account_creation_date": "2009-08-20"
        "instagram": {
            "url": "",
            "followers": 2000,
            "account_creation_date": "2012-03-10"

# Customizing output for specific sites
custom_output = {}

if "twitter" in results["accounts_found"]:
    custom_output["twitter"] = {
        "profile_url": results["accounts_found"]["twitter"]["url"],
        "followers_count": results["accounts_found"]["twitter"]["followers"],
        "created_on": results["accounts_found"]["twitter"]["account_creation_date"]

if "facebook" in results["accounts_found"]:
    custom_output["facebook"] = {
        "profile_url": results["accounts_found"]["facebook"]["url"],
        "friends_count": results["accounts_found"]["facebook"]["friends"],
        "created_on": results["accounts_found"]["facebook"]["account_creation_date"]

if "instagram" in results["accounts_found"]:
    custom_output["instagram"] = {
        "profile_url": results["accounts_found"]["instagram"]["url"],
        "followers_count": results["accounts_found"]["instagram"]["followers"],
        "created_on": results["accounts_found"]["instagram"]["account_creation_date"]

# Convert custom output to JSON format
json_output = json.dumps(custom_output, indent=4)

# Save to a file
with open('custom_results.json', 'w') as file:

Example: Customizing CSV Output for Specific Sites

If you prefer CSV format, you can customize the output for specific sites as follows:

import csv

# Example result data
results = [
    {"username": "john_doe", "site": "twitter", "url": "", "followers": 1500, "account_creation_date": "2010-05-15"},
    {"username": "john_doe", "site": "facebook", "url": "", "friends": 300, "account_creation_date": "2009-08-20"},
    {"username": "john_doe", "site": "instagram", "url": "", "followers": 2000, "account_creation_date": "2012-03-10"}

# Define CSV file headers
headers = ["username", "site", "url", "followers/friends", "account_creation_date"]

# Write results to CSV file
with open('custom_results.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=headers)
    for result in results:
        if result["site"] == "twitter":
                "username": result["username"],
                "site": result["site"],
                "url": result["url"],
                "followers/friends": result["followers"],
                "account_creation_date": result["account_creation_date"]
        elif result["site"] == "facebook":
                "username": result["username"],
                "site": result["site"],
                "url": result["url"],
                "followers/friends": result["friends"],
                "account_creation_date": result["account_creation_date"]
        elif result["site"] == "instagram":
                "username": result["username"],
                "site": result["site"],
                "url": result["url"],
                "followers/friends": result["followers"],
                "account_creation_date": result["account_creation_date"]

Automating the Custom Output

You can integrate these modifications into your automation script to ensure the output is always customized for specific sites. For example, update the script to include the custom output formatting.

📦 Adding Custom Tags or Labels

  1. Identify the Criteria: Determine the criteria for adding custom tags or labels. For example, you might want to tag accounts with a high number of followers or accounts created before a certain date.

  2. Modify the Script: Open the script (or the main script you are using) and locate the section where the results are processed. Add code to evaluate the criteria and assign tags or labels accordingly.

Example: Adding Custom Tags in JSON Output

Here’s an example of how to modify the script to add custom tags based on follower count and account creation date:

import json
import datetime

# Example result data
results = {
    "username": "john_doe",
    "search_time": str(,
    "search_parameters": {
        "sites": ["twitter", "facebook", "instagram"]
    "accounts_found": {
        "twitter": {
            "url": "",
            "followers": 1500,
            "account_creation_date": "2010-05-15"
        "facebook": {
            "url": "",
            "friends": 300,
            "account_creation_date": "2009-08-20"
        "instagram": {
            "url": "",
            "followers": 2000,
            "account_creation_date": "2012-03-10"

# Customizing output with tags
custom_output = {}

for site, data in results["accounts_found"].items():
    tags = []
    if site == "twitter" and data["followers"] > 1000:
    if site == "facebook" and data["friends"] > 500:
    if datetime.datetime.strptime(data["account_creation_date"], "%Y-%m-%d") < datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1):

    custom_output[site] = {
        "profile_url": data["url"],
        "followers/friends": data.get("followers", data.get("friends")),
        "created_on": data["account_creation_date"],
        "tags": tags

# Convert custom output to JSON format
json_output = json.dumps(custom_output, indent=4)

# Save to a file
with open('custom_results.json', 'w') as file:

Example: Adding Custom Labels in CSV Output

If you prefer CSV format, you can customize the output to include labels as follows:

import csv
import datetime

# Example result data
results = [
    {"username": "john_doe", "site": "twitter", "url": "", "followers": 1500, "account_creation_date": "2010-05-15"},
    {"username": "john_doe", "site": "facebook", "url": "", "friends": 300, "account_creation_date": "2009-08-20"},
    {"username": "john_doe", "site": "instagram", "url": "", "followers": 2000, "account_creation_date": "2012-03-10"}

# Define CSV file headers
headers = ["username", "site", "url", "followers/friends", "account_creation_date", "tags"]

# Write results to CSV file
with open('custom_results.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=headers)
    for result in results:
        tags = []
        if result["site"] == "twitter" and result["followers"] > 1000:
        if result["site"] == "facebook" and result["friends"] > 500:
        if datetime.datetime.strptime(result["account_creation_date"], "%Y-%m-%d") < datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1):

            "username": result["username"],
            "site": result["site"],
            "url": result["url"],
            "followers/friends": result.get("followers", result.get("friends")),
            "account_creation_date": result["account_creation_date"],
            "tags": ", ".join(tags)

Automating the Custom Output

You can integrate these modifications into your automation script to ensure the output is always customized with tags or labels based on site-specific criteria. For example, update the script to include the custom output formatting.