XR (VR, AR..) interface for robot data visualization and control for ROS.
How to use:
Then -
rosrun tf2_web_republisher tf2_web_republisher
# publishes transformations -
roslaunch hector_tracked_vehicles_description xacrodisplay_jasmine_2018_ugv.launch
# depending on the robot 3.a instead we could usehector sim
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
# connection ROS-JSON -
sudo ufw allow PORT
python -m SimpleHTTPServer PORT
# in /opt/hector/share/ , TODO: create Symlinks 6a. For https runpython shttps.py
for ssl:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server1.example.com.key -out server1.example.com.pem -days 365 -nodes
*first we have to move the certificates in the correct dir *
chmod 777 /etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/server1.example.com.key
chmod 777 /etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/server1.example.com.pem
chmod 777 /etc/ssl/certs/localcerts
TODO: change permissions to be less permissive
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch ssl:=true port:=9090 certfile:=/etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/server1.example.com.pem keyfile:=/etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/server1.example.com.key
in /opt/hector/share
chhmod +x VRRobot/shttps.py
then run ./VRRobot/shhtps.py instead of simplehttpserver
if you want to use the self signed certificates. before opening the simulation, you have to visit and - to accept the certificates
Also: you have to go to and not https://localhost:8080 because of the cross origin stuff
I'll clean up the readme later this week, to run the whole environment in one line try:
- install tmux
new-session "roscore ; read" ;
split-window "sleep 5; rosrun tf2_web_republisher tf2_web_republisher; read" ;
split-window "sleep 5; roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch ssl:=true port:=9090 certfile:=/etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/server1.example.com.pem keyfile:=/etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/server1.example.com.key;read" ;
split-window "cd /opt/hector/share; python VRRobot/shttps.py; read";
select-layout even-vertical
- hector sim or use bagfiles
To record bagfiles:
- rosbag record /tf /tf_static /joint_states /colored_cloud /map /smooth_path /trajectory /front_rgbd_cam/depth/color/points /colored_cloud_world
- rosrun rqt_robot_steering rqt_robot_steering // drive around