This is a JavaScript library for robotics data visualization using WebXR.
To run this example
Clone the repository
install ROS (everything here was tested using our Jasmine setup) found here
create an ssl keypair:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout -out -days 365 -nodes
- remember the path to these files or move them to /etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/
- to move the files use
mv /etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/ mv /etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/
- next you have to change the permissions to allow your python server to access the certificate
chmod 777 /etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/ chmod 777 /etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/ chmod 777 /etc/ssl/certs/localcerts
TODO: change permissions to be less permissive
Note: we need SSL/https to be able to use WebXR -
Create a symlink from opt/hector/share/VRRobot to your cloned repository
- note this is a very specific step for this project. It's needed because our URDF are being returned with the python server with simple get requests
ln -s ~/VRRobot /opt/hector/share/VRRobot
Allow connections to your firewall
sudo ufw allow 9090 # for the websocket sudo ufw allow 8080 # for the webserver (you can choose any other port)
note for self signed certificates: before opening the simulation, you have to visit and - to accept the certificates
make your python server executable
chhmod +x ~/VRRobot/
on a default TU setup you can install tmux - sudo apt install tmux
and just run: ~/VRRobot/dev-tmux
Manual Running
execute these commands in order (wait a few seconds after running roscore to initialize the environment)
rosrun tf2_web_republisher tf2_web_republisher
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch ssl:=true port:=9090 certfile:=/etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/ keyfile:=/etc/ssl/certs/localcerts/
- note that this assumes you have moved the files from the previous step
- in
- note that you need to run this in
so the correct 3D models can be delivered - note that you need to configure the
- note that you need to run this in
hector sim
and start the simulation or use bagfiles
Notes To record bagfiles:
rosbag record /tf /tf_static /joint_states /colored_cloud /map /smooth_path /trajectory /front_rgbd_cam/depth/color/points /colored_cloud_world
rosrun rqt_robot_steering rqt_robot_steering
and drive around
to add a visualization: use any ROS3DJS visualization. eg
var cloudClient = addVisualization(rootObjectNode,'cloudClient', ROS3D.PointCloud2,{
ros: ros,
tfClient: tfClient,
topic: '/colored_cloud',
material: { size: 0.05 },
colormap: colormap,
max_pts: 30000000,
To add a controller you need to modify commons/mappings.js
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- CORS Exceptions
go to and not https://localhost:8080