This Web-app uses Node-Express-mySQL-Handlebars-Sequelize.
The main gold of this app is to show the basic use of sequelize instead of the customized ORM used in the past buerger app.
- Use burger app as a starting point,
- Add sequelize and sequelize CLI to the package.json by running npm install -g sequelize sequelize-cli. Also run npm install, to make sure all of our dependencies are in node-modules folder.
- Initialize Sequelize inside the working folder by running sequelize init:models & sequelize init:config
- Navigate to the config folder, open
, and modify the development object's "database","username" and "password" values, if needed, to match your MYSQL database on your machine. Include the database port number, if not using the default. - sequelize init:models automaticly created
inside the folder models. - In
(inside models folder) delete content and fill it with new code. Refer to sequelize documentation for this. - In
require folder models, and add code to sync the sequelize models. - Change the
file from referencing the old ORM code to sequelize code.
- Comment the old code for insertOne and for updateOne to test it.
- Add new code to create and update.