Steps 1 and 2 can be skipped if, for the process, is used the file dataframe.csv or is followed the step 3
- Use the scraper to download debates from Kialo, that are saved as csv file
- In the notebook argumentative-debates.ipynb the debates (in format csv with ';' as separator) are loaded and "cleaned" (according to what is written in the Proia-Spurio-Urbinati_NLP-Exam.pdf file)
- The dataset can be build and cleaned as in point 1 and 2 or can be loaded adding as shortcut this Google Drive directory in the path
(or load into Colab only thedataframe.csv
and change the load path) - Models
- Neural Network models, based on Bi-LSTM
- Machine Learning models: Linear Regressor, Decision Tree Regressor, Random Forest Regressor, Support Vector Regressor