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react-blazing 🔥

[wip] we're moving for a monorepo ( to include easy template / feature generation)

React Blazing Toolchain

  • developer friendly
  • blazing fast
  • robust
  • zero config to get you app running (shining on the web ✨)

Table of Contents:

  1. Requirements
  2. Running on localhost
  3. Building
  4. Features
  5. Routes
  6. Parcel (bundler)
  7. Styling
  8. Deployment
  9. Testing
  10. FAQ
  11. Roadmap


Running on localhost

First install dependencies:

yarn install

This project uses yarn package manager but you can use npm instead

To run dev server in hot module reloading mode:

yarn dev

Opens by default: localhost:1234/ in your browser


To create a production build:

yarn build

It creates production-ready bundles that contain very little to no unused development code, ensuring your end-user gets fast load times. Output: /dist folder



  • Aliases

.babelrc alias

      "alias": {
        "@app": "./src",
        "@components": "./src/components",
        "@pages": "./src/pages",
        "@hooks": "./src/hooks"

Add new alias:

        //new alias example:
        //"key: "path"
        "@helpers": "./src/lib/utils/helpers"

for IDE intellisense you should add it at jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json

//"key/*": ["./path/*"],
"@helpers/*": ["./lib/utils/helpers/*"],
//           please omit /src/ as it is specified in baseUrl:


//instead of importing:
import MyComponent from '../../../../../../../components/MyComponent';
// just use:
import MyComponent from '@components/MyComponent';
  • Code splitting

React Lazy preferred

Parcel dynamic imports


Wouter - client side routing for react


add new pages at @pages folder pages/

Read more at Routes guide


Parcel: Zero configuration web application bundler

most features like parsing js/ts files, importing scss/svg/... are presented by parcel learn more at their docs


Sass / Css Modules / Less files are supported out of the box.

Read more at Styling guide


Make sure your web server rewrites all requests to '/' since react is a SPA and we're using client-side routing to make multi pages available

Read more at Deployment guide

guides for apache, express, vercel, netlify, ...


you can implement any test runners / strategies at this point



What React Blazing is ?

  • a complete react development toolchain focused on speed

  • implements the latest tools in the industry (modern react)

  • set of packages to improve your dev life even further like: blazing-cli / reaxi

  • not a react framework like next, gatsby

  • not a react component library

  • not boilerplate

  • not like create-react-app

comparison to create-react-app

  • No need of deleting a lot of files like app.css, index.css, and other boilerplate...

  • No need to eject or adding a config override 😗

  • No tons of packages like react-scripts that sometimes doesn't even required =

  • (But) If you are complete new to react, it's highly recommended choosing cra as it can prevent making beginner mistakes

  • Implement React 18 (when released)

  • Templates/examples

  • documentation website

planned feature generation:

  • parcel config
  • add linters (eslint )
  • add bundle analyzer

Formerly Ultimate React, now called React Blazing 🔥