PDF in-browser viewer using the PDF.js library to render documents with HTML5.
Current build using PDF.js release v4.0.379.
Install composer dependency:
composer require anglemx/pdf-viewer-bundle
Make sure that the Bundle has been enabled and auto-wired in the bundles.php
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
Angle\PDFViewerBundle\AnglePDFViewerBundle::class => ['all' => true],
// ...
As per the official Symfony documentation:
Routing is never automatically imported in Symfony.
This means that your application will need to explicitly import the routes to enable the bundle's controller.
resource: "@AnglePDFViewerBundle/Resources/config/routes.yaml"
return $this->redirectToRoute('angle_pdf_viewer_view', ['file' => '/path/to/file']);
<a href="{{ path('angle_pdf_viewer_view', {'file': '/path/to/file'}) }}">View PDF</a>
Try to access the following URL after installing: