by: Ardavan Bidgoli, Manuel Rodriguez Ladrón de Guevara , Cinnie Hsiung, Jean Oh , Eunsu Kang
Artistic Style in Robotic Painting: a Machine Learning Approach to Learning Brushstroke from Human Artists
Robotic painting has been a subject of interest among both artists and roboticists since the 1970s. Researchers and interdisciplinary artists have employed various painting techniques and human-robot collaboration models to create visual mediums on canvas. One of the challenges of robotic painting is to apply a desired artistic style to the painting. Style transfer techniques with machine learning models have helped us address this challenge with the visual style of a specific painting. However, other manual elements of style, i.e., painting techniques and brushstrokes of an artist have not been fully addressed. We propose a method to integrate an artistic style to the brushstrokes and the painting process through collaboration with a human artist. In this paper, we describe our approach to 1) collect brushstrokes and hand-brush motion samples from an artist, and 2) train a generative model to generate brushstrokes that pertains to the artist's style, and 3) integrate the learned model on a robot arm to paint on a canvas. In a preliminary study, 71% of human evaluators find our robot's paintings pertaining to the characteristics of the artist's style.
This project aims to develop a method to integrate an artistic style to the brushstrokes and the painting process through collaboration with a human artist. In this paper, we describe our approach to 1) collect brushstrokes and hand-brush motion samples from an artist, and 2) train a generative model to generate brushstrokes that pertains to the artist's style, and 3) integrate the learned model on a robot arm to paint on a canvas.
Table of Contents
The project is under development in two branches:
- Applying Artistic Style
- Playback: Colelcting user's brushstrokes and reproduce them on a robot.
- Generation: Generating new brushstrokes based on the collected data:
- Bitmap representation of brushstrokes
- Sequence of motions to reproduce the physical brushstroke
- Painting using a robotic arm:
- Painting abstract images using robotic plain brushstrokes
- The ultimate goal is to combine the two branches:
- Robotic painting using stylized brushstrokes.
Use Anaconda to manage the environment. (optional, but highly recommended)
conda create -n python37 python=3.7
source activate python37
git clone
cd ArtisticStyleRoboticPainting
- Python 3.7
- Tensorflow 2.2.0
- Numpy 1.18.2
- Sklearn 0.22.2
- Scipy 1.4.1
Install dependencies by running this script:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
The dataset contains +700 examples of brushstrokes demonstrated by a user. Each brushstroke is availabel as a pair, 1) the sequence of brush motions in space, 2) the scanned brushstoke as an image. Use this notebook to process and review data.
Brush motions were collected using a motion capture system and a costum-made rigid-body marker. The coordinations were processed later, thus the center of coordination system is located at the center of each cell. Brushmotions are saved as numpy array.

The tracker rigidbody (left), the brush with tracker installed and paperholder rigidbody (center), recording samples by motion capture (right).
Brtushstrokes are scanned and converted to fixed size images and saved as a numpy array.
We set up a series of tests to investigate our approach:
Robotic setup
We use an ABB IRB 120 articulated robotic arm with 6 degree of freedom. The inverse kinematics as well as controlling the torque on each joint is moderated by the ABB drivers. We feed the robot with a sequence of target poses.
Robotic replay: In this test, the robotic arm replays the exact sequence of poses demonstrated by the users. The results were closely similar to the samples created by the user.

Robotic arm replaying recorded brushstrokes, survey results indicated that users cannot meaningfully recognize the hand-drawn brushstrokes from the robotically-drawn ones.
Robotic painting: In this test, we use learning to paint model and rendered a given image into a sequence of brushstrokes then executed them on our robot. We used LearningToPaint to convert a given image into a series of brushstrokes and then program the robot to run them. LearningToPaint outputs were in the format of quadrative curve parameters. We processed these curves in Grasshopper plug-in for Rhinocoros modeling package and converted them into a series of targets in space. These targets were converted into RAPID code, ABB's proprietary programming language, using HAL add-on.
We used Variational Autoeconders (VAEs) to generate new samples of brushstrokes. The animation below demonstrates the navigation over three latent vectos of a tested VAE:
We compare 2 different architectures to generate reconstructions and interpolations in the latent space. We show that an MLP achieves a lower - Elbo than a CNN due to the simplicity of the data, similar to the MNIST dataset.
The MLP architecture is composed by:
An encoder, which has 3 fully connected (fc) layers with the first taking 1024 pixels (32 x 32) followed by a relu nonlinearity activation function. The rest of the other fc layers are projections of mu and log variance into an 8-dimensional space, and creates the posterior 𝑞𝜃(𝑧|𝑥)=𝑁(𝑧;𝜇𝜃(𝑥),Σ𝜃(𝑥)).
A generator, 𝑝(𝑥|𝑧)=𝑁(𝑥;𝜇𝜙(𝑧),Σ𝜙(𝑧)), that takes in 8-dimensional latent variables with Normal distributed noise 𝑝(𝑧)=𝑁(0,𝐼) and outputs a 1024-dimensional vector after 2 fc layers.
The CNN architecture is composed by:
An encoder, which has 3 convolutional (conv) layers followed by a Leaky relu non-linearity activation function. 2 fc layers with the same activation function follow the conv layers with a final fc layer for mu and log variance projections, and creates the posterior 𝑞𝜃(𝑧|𝑥)=𝑁(𝑧;𝜇𝜃(𝑥),Σ𝜃(𝑥)).
A generator, 𝑝(𝑥|𝑧)=𝑁(𝑥;𝜇𝜙(𝑧),Σ𝜙(𝑧)), composed by 2 blocks of fc, leaky relu and batch normalization, followed by 2 transposed conv layers, leaky relu and batch normalization and a final conv layer.
We compared the above architectures for the VAE and evaluate their performance (different from the model that generated the above gif): Over the course of training, we record the average full negative ELBO, reconstruction loss 𝐸𝑥𝐸𝑧∼𝑞(𝑧|𝑥)[−log𝑝(𝑥|𝑧)] , and KL term 𝐸𝑥[𝐷𝐾𝐿(𝑞(𝑧|𝑥)||𝑝(𝑧))] of the training data and test data.
Model | Epochs | Batch size | Hidden dim. | - ELBO | Recon Loss | KL Loss |
MLP | 250 | 32 | 32 | 54.3172 | 44.3513 | 9.9658 |
CNN | 250 | 32 | 32 | 62.9060 | 52.7050 | 10.2009 |
To test train the models, navigate to the python_files
folder and use this script:
- python epochs, batch size, z dimension, layer type, plot frequency
python 250 32 32 1 100
Ardavan Bidgoli and Manuel Ladron De Guevara thank Computational Design Lab (CoDe Lab) for its generous support. The authors would like to express their gratitude towards the Design Fabrication Lab (DFab) at the School of Architecture, CMU. The authors would like to thank Andrew Plesniak for his contribution to the early stages of this research.
If you find our paper and dataset useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={Artistic Style in Robotic Painting; a Machine Learning Approach to Learning Brushstroke from Human Artists},
author={Ardavan Bidgoli and Manuel Ladron De Guevara and Cinnie Hsiung and Jean Oh and Eunsu Kang},