Simple application how to use aiohttp for deep learning project with keras.
Imagetagger is API for image recognition, employs mobilenet network to classify images, but other supported network can be used.
Install the app:
$ git clone $ cd aiohttp-keras-demo $ pip install -r requirements/development.txt
Run application:
$ make run
Example of request:
curl -F file=@tests/data/aircraft.jpg http://localhost:8000/predict
Example of response:
{"predictions": [ {"label": "envelope", "probability": 0.3094555735588074}, {"label": "airship", "probability": 0.20662210881710052}, {"label": "carton", "probability": 0.07820204645395279}, {"label": "freight_car", "probability": 0.056770652532577515}, {"label": "airliner", "probability": 0.04821280017495155}], "success": true}