XSLWeb release v4.0.0-RC-3
98 commits
to master
since this release
Since v4.0.0-RC2:
- Several bugs fixes.
- The XSLWeb build profiles for Saxon PE and Saxon EE now download the Saxon jars from Saxonica's Maven repository; no more need to install them in your local Maven repository (see [Support for Saxon PE (Professional) and EE (Enterprise Edition)].(https://armatiek.github.io/xslweb/XSLWeb%20Developer%20Manual.html#support-for-saxon-pe-professional-and-ee-enterprise-edition))
- Serving of static files (StaticResourceFilter, ResourceSerializer) is now handled by a new FileServlet (based on org.omnifaces.servlet.FileServlet) with more extensive support for ETag, If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since caching requests and Range and If-Range ranging requests ("byte serving").
- Added documentation about events and cross site scripting prevention.
- The request XML document is now also passed as stylesheet parameter $req:request-xml-doc to all pipeline transformation steps (see Stylesheet Parameters)
- Added a new XPath extension function transform().
- FIX: The EXPath extension function "file:resolve-path()" now returns absolute paths "as-is" (breaking change).
- Added new logging XPath extension functions debug(), warn(), error(), info(), trace().
- Initial release of the "XSLWeb Debugger" (experimental!).