- TYPE with either GML for .gml file, MATRIX for .txt file having graph as adjacency matrix and LINK for .txt file having graph as undirected edges.
- filePath with the location of graph ; .gml file or .txt file
- epsilon_value with a float between 0(inclusive) and 1
- mu_value with an integer greater than 0
To compare Running time for adding all edge one by one:
$ make
$ ./comp --TYPE filePath epsilon_value mu_value
To compare Running time for deleting all edges one by one:
$ makeDelete
$ ./compDeletion --TYPE filePath epsilon_value mu_value
To compare running time for adding random edges:
$ makecompadd
$ ./compadd --TYPE filePath epsilon_value mu_value
Use TYPE as LINK as this comparison is done only for large datasets.
To compare running time for deleting random edges:
$ makecompdel
$ ./compdel --TYPE filePath epsilon_value mu_value
Use TYPE as LINK as this comparison is done only for large datasets.
Comparing Running time of SCAN for multithreading:
$ makecompscan
$ ./compscan --TYPE filePath epsilon_value mu_value
To try adding/removing edges/vertices incrementaly to graph:
$ cd Iscan
$ make
$ ./main --TYPE filePath epsilon_value mu_value
- Follow further instructions from std out.
A total of 7 datasets are used:
- Example dataset is present in /example/example.gml file
- Customer dataset is present in /customer/CG1.gml file
- Polbooks dataset is present in /polbooks/polbooks.gml file
- Football dataset is present in /football_processed/football.txt file
Datasets GR-QC, COND-MAT and ASTRO-PH can be downloaded as .txt files from links provided in report.
Examples to run various executables:
To give GML file as input:
$ ./executable --GML polbooks/polbooks.gml 0.41 2
To give adjacency matrix as input from txt file:
$ ./executable --MATRIX football/football.txt 0.7 2