The main purpose of this repo is to allow users to be able to test the Vuestorefront - Odoo Integration. Not for production use. Main repo's are at:
- for the storefront modules and
- for the modules you need to install on your Odoo server
Running this command will build and create new containers but also will initialize the Odoo database if not yet initialized
$> docker-compose up --build -d
# You might want to check what happens under the hood
$> docker-compose logs -f
Now just open http://localhost:3000 for VSF and http://localhost:8069 for Odoo (credentials admin/admin)
You might not see the top categories (MEN/WOMEN) until the Odoo server is initialized (database init takes time to install all modules)
Running this command will stop but will not clear the Odoo database
$> docker-compose down
Running this command will stop but will clear the Odoo database
$> docker-compose down -v
Running this command will stop but will not clear the Odoo database
$> docker exec -it redis redis-cli> flushall