- TypeORM (Postgres), Migrations, Seeding
- OpenAPI/Swagger: cli
allows to take all info which is defined in Typescript code to Swagger specification automatically - Authentication (JWT) and Users full-fledged modules/endpoints with RBAC (see below)
- AdminJS integration: users management; app admin users (
Site Admin
role) can be authenticated in the Admin Panel - Sending mail (Nodemailer or SendGrid), catch with MailHog
- Config, Validation
- Logger (Winston), LoggerMiddleware
- Health check
- Unit and E2E test examples
- Enhanced ESLinters
- CI (GitHub Actions)
- Docker setup
Proven on node v20
pnpm install
cp ./example.env ./.env
docker compose up postgres mailhog
pnpm run start:dev
docker compose up
Seed demo data:
pnpm run console:dev job seed
App Admin user (login/password): [email protected]
/ [email protected]
Stop Docker containers
docker compose stop
See also NestJS-Starter-Kit v2