- Commenting
- Primitive Types
- Array Type
- Operations
- Control Flow
- Variable Assignment
- Scope
- Functions
- Error Handling
This is an interpreter written in C++ for a toy language (named Ash) that I've invented to better acquaint myself with programming language design, interpreter design, and the C++ language (especially templates and OOP).
At a high level, this language is statically-typed, statically-scoped, and supports all the basic features of a procedural language. Check out the tests
directory of this repository to see examples of Ash source code. The tests are by no means exhaustive, but I have done my best to showcase the various features of the language, including error handling. The comments at the bottom of each file indicate the expected output.
The Ash language supports C-style single-line commenting and multi-line commenting as demonstrated in the example below
// This is a single-line comment
int x = 5
println x
/* This is a comment that spans multiple lines
and does not interfere with the code. The expected output
is just the nuber 5 */
The primitive types supported are int32
, int64
, uint32
, uint64
, char
, double
, bool
, and string
. The 32-bit signed integer is the default type for integer literals in the code. Since it is the default, the simpler type keyword int
is an alias for int32
. The C++ interpreter implements the numeric types using the <cstdint>
This language supports single-dimensional arrays of the primitive types described above. There are 2 ways of declaring them. One is to just allocate memory for an array of a certain length and the other is to provide an initializer list.
int[] x = new int[5]
int[] y = [1,2,3,4]
The language does not currently support arrays of arbitrary types, so multi-dimensional arrays are not possible.
If indices outside the bounds of the array are assigned to or accessed, an OutOfBoundsException
is thrown at runtime. Also keep in mind that when an array is allocated with the new
keyword, it has no meaningful initial values.
The Ash language supports all basic arithmetic and bitwise operations on the numerical types, logical operations on the boolean type, and even arithmetic operations on strings and arrays. The arithmetic and logical operations follow C++ precedence rules, which can be found here.
The arithmetic operations that are supported are (in order of precedence):
- Unary Positive:
, returns the original number - Unary Negation:
, returns the original number but negated - Exponentiation:
num1 ** num1
, wherenum1
are any numbers - Multiplication, Division, and Modulo
- Multiplication:
num1 * num2
, wherenum1
are any numbers - Division:
num1 / num2
, wherenum1
are any numbers- If they are both integers, the result is that of integer division (i.e.
5/2 == 2
- If they are both integers, the result is that of integer division (i.e.
- Modulo:
num1 % num2
, wherenum1
are any numbers
- Multiplication:
- Addition and Subtraction
- Addition:
num1 + num2
are any numbers - Subtraction:
num1 - num2
are any numbers
- Addition:
- Bitwise AND:
num1 & num2
, wherenum1
are both integers - Bitwise XOR:
num1 ^ num2
, wherenum1
are both integers - Bitwise OR:
num1 | num2
, wherenum1
are both integers
- Logical NOT:
, whereb1
is a boolean - Logical AND:
b1 && b2
, whereb1
are booleans - Logical XOR:
b1 ^^ b2
, whereb1
are booleans - Logical OR:
b1 || b2
, whereb1
are booleans
- Unary Negation:
, returns a deep copy of the reversed string - Unary Positive:
, returns an identical deep copy of the string - Addition:
str1 + str2
, string concatenation - Multiplication:
val1 * val2
, where one of the values is a string and the other is an integer- Returns the string concatenated to itself the integer number of times (i.e.
"abc" * 2
) - If the integer is signed and negative, the above is done with the integer's absolute value and the result is reversed (i.e.
"abc" * -2
- Returns the string concatenated to itself the integer number of times (i.e.
These are the same as the associated string operations, but what is done to the characters is instead done to array elements. Think of strings as character arrays, even though they aren't implemented the same way in the Ash language.
The following examples show how arithmetic can be done with arrays:
[1,2,3] + [7,8,9]
[1,2,3] * 2
[1,2,3] * -2
Indexing of strings and arrays is done Python style, meaning that you can access both individual elements as well as slices. Positive indices are zero-indexed and negative indices count from the back, with -1 denoting the last element (different from Python, in which -1 denotes the second to last element). I'd rather not belabor a system already described by the Python language, so here are some examples of how indexing works:
Casting is done implicitly if going from a smaller to larger type (i.e. int32 to double) or to a string in all cases, be it during variable assignment or in expressions. If a value is assigned to a variable of a smaller type, then the interpreter throws an error, since such a conversion could be lossy and thus must be specified explicitly. A wider variety of casts (including lossy ones) can be specified explicitly without creating errors. The syntax for casting is C-style.
The following are examples of valid implicit casts:
int32 x = 'A' //cast from 1-byte char to 4-byte integer
double y = 2+3 //cast from integer to double
string z = 3.5 //cast from double to string
The following are examples of valid explicit casts:
int32 x = (int32) 5.5 //x = 5
uint64 y = (uint64) 10.5 //y = 10
The following are examples of invalid casts:
uint32 x = 5.5 //this is lossy and must be explicit
int x = (int) "1234" //this is not allowed even as an explicit cast
Printing functionality is provided as a built-in statement. I know that this is much less elegant than providing it in a standard library, but my goal is to keep the language as light-weight as possible while still exhibiting most of the characteristics of a full-fledged language.
The println
and print
keywords followed by an expression print the string representation of the expression's evaluated value (with and without trailing newline character respectively). All the primitive types are printable, as are arrays.
The logical control flow constructs that are supported are also those supported in C/C++: conditionals (if elif else ...
), while
loops, and for
loops. These work the same way as they do in C/C++. The only difference is that the conditions have to be boolean values, not nonzero integer values.
Ash is a statically-typed language, meaning that type-checking is done before program execution. When a variable is declared, you must provide its type. If you do assign a variable a value in its declaration, that value is implicitly casted to the variable's declared type (if the declared type is smaller, you get an error). Otherwise, the variable is assigned some garbage undefined value until you explicitly assign what you want to it. Variables can be reassigned new values as long as they're still in scope (see below).
The concept of scope is a simplified version of that found in existing programming languages. The outermost scope is considered global and functions and variables declared here are accessible anywhere else in the program. New scopes are created inside a function body and inside braces.
If a variable or function is declared when one of the same name exists in an outer scope, the innermost version is used:
int x = 5
double x = 5.5
println x //5.5 is the output
It is an error to declare a functions or variables of the same name multiple times in the same scope:
int x = 5
fun x(int x, string y) -> string {
return x * y
//the second declaration is illegal
Functions have the following syntax:
fun name(parameters...) -> returnType {
body with return statements if necessary
Here are some examples:
fun foo(int32 x) -> string {
return x + "abc"
fun fib(int n) -> int {
if(n == 0)
return 0
elif(n == 1)
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
As the last example suggests, recursion is supported by the Ash language.
Additionally, functions can access variables in their environment, that is, variables in enclosing scopes, within their body:
int x = 4
fun foo(int y) -> int {
return x + y
println foo(5) //prints 9
Relying on variables in enclosing scopes is risky as those variables can be changed by other entities, potentially leading to unexpected behavior.
An important feature of the Ash programming language is its robust static handling of syntax, type, and scope errors, as well as array access errors at runtime.
If an error is detected, a descriptive error is printed, along with the line number(s) involved and the problematic section of code. The following are examples of bad code and associated error messages:
Type Error
int x = 5.5
StaticCastError on line 1
int x = 5.5
Cannot implicitly cast from type double to type int32
Scope Error
int x = 5
double x = 5.0
StaticVariableScopeError on line 2
double x = 5.0
The variable x is already declared in this scope. It cannot be re-declared in the same scope.
Note that since type, scope, and syntax errors are statically detected, error messages are output before any code is actually executed. For example, the string "abcabc" is never printed in the following code:
int x = 2
string y = "abc" * x
println y
int z = (int) y
println z
StaticCastError on line 5
int z = (int) y
Cannot cast at all from type string to type int32
Additionally, errors in which arrays and strings are indexed out-of-bounds are caught at runtime and appropriately handled:
string x = "abc"
x += "defg" // x = "abcdefg"
println x[:100]
OutOfBoundsException on line 3:
println x[:100]
The index 100 is out of bounds in string of length 7
To run the Ash language interpreter, first clone this repository using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/AshOlogn/ash-language-interpreter.git
Then run make
in the root of the project directory to produce the executable. To interpret Ash source code, run the executable with the name of the source file as the sole argument (i.e. bin/ash test.ash
). If you want to interpret source code from any directory conveniently, add the path to executable's bin to the PATH
environment variable and just use the ash
command to execute Ash code (i.e. ash test.ash
). The conventional file extension for Ash source code is .ash