: Contains the main scripts used for PGS computation on the All of Us platform. All individaul-level information has been removed. -
: Contains scripts for running PRS-CS on a local machine. The outpus were uploaded back onto the All of Us platform to compute PGS. -
: Contains codes for generating the whole-genome LD matrix in 1kGP + HGDP EUR. -
: Contains codes for calculating heritability for the 10 Pan-UKBB tratis. -
: Lists 10 Pan-UKBB GWAS traits and their sample sizes that were used in PRS-CS and LDSC.
Please refer to the README in each folder for more detailed descriptions.
Differential performance of polygenic prediction across traits and populations depending on genotype discovery approach
Yi-Sian Lin, Taotao Tan, Ying Wang, Bogdan Pasaniuc, Alicia Martin, Elizabeth G Atkinson
bioRxiv 2025.03.18.644029; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2025.03.18.644029