--> Download IvanWin0509.zip <--
--> Download IvanWin0509_xp.zip for Windows XP <--
- Several hundered new dialogue lines added,
- Story of Xinroch added,
- 45 new items, including several artifacts, added,
- Full helmets grant sound resistance,
- Tin helmets block ESP,
- Several potions added,
- Two new optional minibosses are generated,
- Spider level added,
- Improvements to Attnam and its underground,
- More people in Tomb of Xinroch,
- Sirens can be generated,
- Science talking with more NPCs possible,
- Several materials added,
- Scaling option for graphics added,
- Switch to .png graphics,
- Show height and weight of creatures.
- Assorted balance tweaks,
- Fix digging stopping after single turn with NumPad,
- Many, many more fixes.
See v0508...v0509 for a list of changes since 0.50.8
Apologies for the long delay folks!