A star map visualization project built using Node.js and React.js, designed to display stars from the SAO catalog with features like zooming, panning, and searching for stars by clicking.
- Star Visualization: Display stars using data from the SAO catalog.
- Zoom and Pan: Explore the star map by zooming in and out and dragging to move around.
- Search by Click: Click anywhere on the star map to find and highlight the nearest star.
- Responsive Design: Adjusts dynamically to different screen sizes.
The star information is obtained from the SAO catalog provided by NASA: SAO Catalog - HEASARC.
- Node.js installed on your system.
- npm or yarn package manager.
- Clone the Repository
git clone [email protected]:BC-He/StarMap.git cd star-map
- Install Dependencies
npm install
yarn install
- Run the server
npm run dev
: Contains the React application code.
Custom hooks, including the useStarMap hook for managing the star map's state and behavior.
components/: React components for rendering UI elements.
Helper functions for various tasks, such as scaling and axis label updates.
: The star data from the SAO catalog.
: Static assets and the entry point index.html.
How It Works Data Visualization:
The project parses the star data from the SAO catalog to calculate the positions of stars. The stars are plotted using the d3 library on an interactive SVG. Zoom and Pan:
The d3.zoom functionality allows users to zoom in and out and drag the star map. Search Functionality:
By clicking on the map, the application identifies the nearest star using a distance calculation algorithm.
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh