pytools 2.0.dev5
This is the 2.0.dev5 release of gamma-pytools.
You can upgrade your current pip installation via
pip install --upgrade gamma-pytools
Your conda package can be upgraded by running
conda install -c conda-forge -c bcg_gamma gamma-pytools
- b948a99 Merge pull request #314 from BCG-Gamma/dev/2.0.dev5
- 964a0b7 FIX: address Azure bug that could add a ' to the end of version tags
- 8099047 FIX: re-format code for Black 22.1
- 93c1bb4 FIX: print all log messages to stderr in (#307)
- 1395da7 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- e99f7bb FIX: accommodate a change to Axes.grid() introduced in matplotlib 3.5 (#308)
- 40579fd BUILD: move py.typed to package root (#306)
- 6a7f4e6 BUILD: update version to 2.0.dev5
- ca4ed11 Merge branch 'release/2.0.dev4' into 2.0.x
- b71b1b3 FIX: add missing type call (#305)
See More
- e54d2f1 BUILD: update GitHub connection for releases
- 1d2b8dc Merge pull request #304 from BCG-Gamma/dev/2.0.dev4
- cefbab9 BUILD: update release notes
- 3893488 BUILD: run mypy check using pip not conda
- f77e9f0 FIX: mock up ArrayLike if not supported by numpy
- 50eaa02 Merge branch release/2.0.dev3 into 2.0.x
- 700d4b8 BUILD: support for
(#292) - 2c0c8bc BUILD: update version to 2.0.dev4
- 713d7aa Merge pull request #303 from BCG-Gamma/dev/2.0.dev3
- c0bea92 API: add function camel_case_to_snake_case (#302)
- c23c806 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- eb120b6 BUILD: drop Python 3.6 support and enable Python 3.9 (#296)
- f321259 API: add AllTracker tests (#291)
- 557ae03 REFACTOR: import AllTracker directly from _alltracker, not via from _api
- bfc88a1 DEBUG: remove a verbose debug log message from class DocValidator
- 203a643 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release/2.0.dev2' into 2.0.x
- 8d1a283 BUILD: update version to 2.0.dev3
- 768c9c2 Merge pull request #290 from BCG-Gamma/dev/2.0.dev2
- 9a5c9a1 BUILD: update conda-build to ~=3.21
- fdc30b0 BUILD: update conda-build to ~=3.21
- daf24ad BUILD: fix pip at 21.2 given changes introduced in 21.3
- eb3f7bf API: add new arg optional in pytools.api.to_… functions (#289)
- bfa264d API: add kwarg 'using' to @subsdoc decorator (#288)
- 220819f REFACTOR: eliminate unnecessary lambda statement in JubRunner.run_…() (#287)
- 2af89d7 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- a0d4bd0 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- a0b2ec9 DOC: update code coverage badges in README.rst
- cc7cb28 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- 3195eeb BUILD: update version to 2.0.dev2
- c76ada1 BUILD: set VM image to 'Ubuntu-latest'
- b9df044 Merge pull request #286 from BCG-Gamma/dev/2.0.dev1
- ab4bc96 BUILD: update versions in environment.yml
- 5efa78d FIX: remove obsolete from future import
- a62abec FIX: remove run-time dependency with Sphinx
- 0cd0305 BUILD: update doc build package requirements
- 197b87f DOC: enhancements to Sphinx documentation preprocessing (#284)
- 7023913 API: drawer style redesign (#271)
- c0d0af2 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- a43d07c Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- c582ca7 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- 75600b8 API: remove method HasExpressionRepr.get_class_id (#279)
- fe7403d API: make method Drawer.get_style_kwargs() public (#281)
- 942e4a8 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- dddd349 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- 7bd3bf6 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- b86afb7 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- 9052a6e DOC: re-format release notes
- bd905a2 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- 3bbf791 API: improve conversion of numpy expressions to Expression objects (#275)
- 7a35897 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- f876ae8 BUILD: install 'packaging' when running
- 1024815 BUILD: allow dev versions when verifying package requirement version ids
- 07630e0 TEST: replace with version check in (#274)
- e9315ed BUILD: change version number to 2.0.dev1
- 8a61cfe BUILD: standardize a message in azure-pipelines.yml
- d278ded Merge pull request #273 from BCG-Gamma/dev/2.0.dev0
- d904ca4 FIX: change github option from isPreRelease to isPrerelease
- 9ac20b9 TEST: require #.#.[dev|rc]# as package version
- 2f0af64 Merge pull request #272 from BCG-Gamma/dev/2.0.0dev0
- 74ded60 Publish development releases as pre-releases
- 9f37a5c Merge branch '2.0.x' into dev/2.0.0dev0
- d976f2c API: expect Iterable not positional args in run_jobs() and run_queues() (#269)
- 1eea1a7 DOC: update release notes
- 13ffe12 Merge branch '1.2.x' into 2.0.x
- ed9e4c7 Merge branch '2.0.x' into dev/2.0.0dev0
- b52efd3 BUILD: update version to 2.0.0dev0
- e0da851 TEST: allow x.x.xdevx as package version
- 41fbe8c BUILD: start 2.0.x development branch
This list of changes was auto generated.