Version Chrome
- AllDebrid Premium Account
You can get your own on this link : (Create a new API KEY)
- Open Chrome Browser
- Enter this in the search bar : chrome://extensions/
- Click on expand mode in the upper right corner
- At the top left you will see "Load unpackaged extension" Click on it
- Find the folder named Chrome
- And valid
Now you will see that BartBot has been added to your extension
Your BartBot extension is installed but now we are going to configure the apiKey and the agentName that you got from AllDebrid
- Click on options in the BartBot interface
- Enter Agent Name & Api Key
- BartBot check if the api and agent is ok after is ok close and you can use the extension
- Go to Extreme-Down
- Search a movie or serie
- When you have found one
- Click on it
- Open BartBot
- Click on the feature named Extreme-Down because you are on the Extrem-Down site if you are on another site click on the one corresponding to your other site (if not marked it is not yet available do not hesitate to make a request on Github so that I add it :) )
Finally you just have to WAIT :)