In-development build:
epic runtime tag editing tool for infinite, some useful documentations and guides here (when its ready and finalized):
we now support all tags (kinda, if they dont load then theres an issue with the value mappings, shoot me a message on whereever and i'll look into it) thanks to lord zedd and exhibit for their work on dumping the tag definitions, which was a massive help to understanding how the tag definitions work
enormous thanks to Krevil for his tool ( that allows us to dump the tag names&IDs, so we can see the correct names of each tag and easily redump the info anytime theres a change in the module information
also pretty huge thanks to Callum Carmicheal for the various contributions and the UI (which now doesn't look terrible lol, nice work!), as well as the rest of the halo mods crew for being awesome
also thanks to gamecheat13 for being able to help get the tool work again after updates Aswell as thanks to TypeChecked for the awesome icon