#Bixie - ZOOcart iDEAL payment
Payment engine for ZOOlanders ZOOcart by www.zoolanders.com.
Thanks to www.ideal-checkout.nl, whose engine is integrated in this plugin.
Questions and bug-reports via issues on GitHub.
This plugin is not supported by or affiliated with ideal-checkout.nl. Support and questions only via this repository
Each gateway has its own settings. To make it uniform in the settings the fields key 1 through 3 are used. For more info on configuring the iDEAL settings, see www.ideal-checkout.nl.
Listed below are the converted gateways. The gateways in the folder /ideal/idealcheckout/gateways/disabled
have not yet been converted. Check the git-history on how to convert a gateway. I you have, please create a PR to merge it back in to the plugin.
###Rabo Omnikassa
- Id 1: PSPID (Obtained from bank)
- Id 2: SubID (usually 0)
- Key 1: Password used to generate hash
- Key 2: Hash key version
- Key 3: unused
###ING Advanced
- Id 1: PSPID (Obtained from bank)
- Id 2: SubID (usually 0)
- Key 1: Private key pass, password used to generate private key.
- Key 2: Name of your PRIVATE-KEY-FILE (should be located in
!) - Key 3: Name of your PRIVATE-CERTIFICATE-FILE (should be located in
Don't use the auto-submit option, because the user has to select his bank first.
###ABN iDEAL Easy
- Id 1: PSPID (Obtained from bank) Only merchantID is required. Keys unused.
This is not a valid or secure payment method! The result of the payment in the website is only a indication! Confirmation of the payment can only come from the bank directly via dashboard or mail.
###ABN Internetkassa
- Id 1: PSPID (Obtained from bank)
- Id 2: SubID (usually 0)
- Key 1: SHA1 IN key
- Key 2: SHA1 OUT key
- Key 3: unused
For more info on config on bank-side, see the readme in gateway folder (Dutch). This method has not been properly tested yet. If you test it and it works, please let me know. If it doesn't work, please create an issue.
Using the Mollie REST api.
- Id 1: unused
- Id 2: unused
- Key 1: live API key
- Key 2: test API key
- Key 3: unused
Webhook url: http://www.site.nl/index.php?option=com_zoolanders&controller=orders&task=callback&format=raw&payment_method=ideal&push=1
Don't use the auto-submit option, because the user has to select his bank first.
- Id 1: Merchant ID
- Id 2: Shop ID (Obtained from Sisow, usually 0)
- Key 1: Merchant KEY
- Key 2: unused
- Key 3: unused
Don't use the auto-submit option, because the user has to select his bank first.
This plugin is not supported by or affiliated with ideal-checkout.nl. Support and questions only via this repository