LWK-rn is a React Native module for Liquid Wallet Kit. Its goal is to provide all the necessary building blocks for mobile development of a liquid wallet.
** NOTE: LWK and LWK-rn is in public beta and still undergoing significant development. Use it at your own risk. **
Please consider reviewing, experimenting and contributing
Thanks for taking a look!
Using npm:
npm install lwk-rn
Using yarn:
yarn add lwk-rn
[iOS Only] Install pods:
npx pod-install
cd ios && pod install
Note: Use android sdk version >= 23 and iOS >= v13 .
You could run the example in iOS or android by the following
$ yarn example ios
$ yarn example android
Create a Wallet and sync with Electrum client
import { Wollet, Client, Signer, Network } from 'lwk-rn';
const mnemonic =
'abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about';
const network = Network.Testnet;
const signer = await new Signer().create(mnemonic, network);
const descriptor = await signer.wpkhSlip77Descriptor();
console.log(await descriptor.asString());
const wollet = await new Wollet().create(network, descriptor, null);
const client = await new Client().defaultElectrumClient(network);
const update = await client.fullScan(wollet);
await wollet.applyUpdate(update);
Get a new address:
const address = await wollet.getAddress();
Get a transaction list:
const transactions = await wollet.getTransactions();
Get balance as [AssetId : UInt64]
const balance = await wollet.getBalance();
Build, sign and broadcast a Transaction:
const out_address = await wollet.getAddress().description;
const satoshis = 900;
const fee_rate = 280; // this is the sat/vB * 100 fee rate. Example 280 would equal a fee rate of .28 sat/vB. 100 would equal .1 sat/vB
const builder = await new TxBuilder().create(network);
await builder.addLbtcRecipient(out_address, satoshis);
await builder.feeRate(fee_rate);
let pset = await builder.finish(wollet);
let signed_pset = await signer.sign(pset);
let finalized_pset = await wollet.finalize(signed_pset);
const tx = await finalized_pset.extractTx();
await client.broadcast(tx);
console.log("BROADCASTED TX!\nTXID: {:?}", (await tx.txId.toString()));
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
See the how-to to learn how works lwk-rn react native module and the repo code.
Thanks to all Blockstream LWK team for the amazing library.
A special thanks to @rcasatta to help me about packaging library for iOS and Android.
A big thanks to @BlakeKaufman because give me the opportunity to build this library with a Bounty and made contributions by itself.
Made with create-react-native-library