I am a software developer from Akron, Ohio that specializes in building and editing web appplications that help businesses and customers connect. I teach kids computer science fundamentals and how to create games in Python online at Coding with Kids.
✍️ I have managed 3 blogs from 2015 - 2021. Some of the blogs I've managed are The Original BritishPandaChick, BritishPandaChick Codes, and Needlework Kits. Today I write posts on DEV. You can follow me on DEV.
💚 I served as the moderator of Elphas Can Code from 2019 - 2022. Elphas Can Code was an online community on Elpha where all Elpha members learning to code can talk and support each other as they learn how to code.
🏰 I created the Disney Codes Challenge in 2019. Disney Codes Challenge is a 57 day coding challenge where developers build projects inspired by Disney each day for 23 minutes. If you are interested in doing the challenge, you can share your progress using the hashtag #DisneyCodesChallenge. You can learn more about this challenge with this post.
🧵 You can often find me working on a craft project. You can see my latest projects on my Instagram.
🐼 BritishPandaChick pays tribute to a lot of things. British represents my love of British literature and culture while pandas represent my love of the cuddly creatures. Chick is my tribute to all the usernames I created in the past.
- currently reviewing old lessons. Hoping to start a new language by the end of the year. Overall working on easing myself back into coding.
- publishing a post once a week. Trying to be better at writing once a day.
- would like to get back into the habit of building personal projects again besides stuff for Coding with Kids.
- start listening more podcasts (i.e. catch up on CodeNewbie for starters!). Currently updating my LinkedIn and resume.
- Back to work at Coding with Kids after a break.
- Continue to work on mental health by being kinder to myself and doing self-care.
- submitted a CFP to Virtual Coffee this month for their first virtual conference in April. I'll find out this month if my talk is chosen.
- applied to be a volunteer to Virtual Jane Con this summer. Virtual Jane Con is an virtual event for Jane Austen fans.
- re-reviewing PYthon on SoloLearn.
- back to learning Korean on Drops. Currently learning how to count in Korean.
- Working on a felt applique tree skirt.
ROSÉ and Bruno Mars "APT"
- Learn more about me at my portfolio webssite.
- Connect with me on LinkedIn.
- Follow @TheOriginalBPC on X.
- Follow @britishpandachick on Instagram.