Implements a simple drawing api
TODO: Add a representative image for your project here
Open git bash to the directory containing this repository.
canvas-drawer $ mkdir build
canvas-drawer $ cd build
canvas-drawer/build $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ..
canvas-drawer/build $ start Draw-2D.sln
Your solution file should contain two projects: pixmap_art
and pixmap_test
To run from the git bash command shell,
canvas-drawer/build $ ../bin/Debug/draw_test
canvas-drawer/build $ ../bin/Debug/draw_art
Open terminal to the directory containing this repository.
canvas-drawer $ mkdir build
canvas-drawer $ cd build
canvas-drawer/build $ cmake ..
canvas-drawer/build $ make
To run each program from build, you would type
canvas-drawer/build $ ../bin/draw_test
canvas-drawer/build $ ../bin/draw_art
TODO: Document the custom primitives supported by your canvas class
TODO: Show artworks using your class