Our API Clients are open source. This repo contains sample PowerShell script which demonstrate how to pull data from the AB2D API Production environment.
This may be a great starting point for your engineering or development teams however it is important to note that the AB2D team does not regularly maintain the sample clients. Additionally, a best-effort was made to ensure the clients are secure, but they have not undergone comprehensive formal security testing. Each user/organization is responsible for conducting their own review and testing prior to implementation
Use of these clients in the sandbox environment allows for safe testing and ensures no PII/PHI will not be compromised if a mistake is made. The sandbox environment is publicly available and all the data in it is synthetic (not real)
AB2D supports both R4 and STU3 versions of the FHIR standard. FHIR R4 is available using v2 of AB2D while FHIR STU3 can be accessed via AB2D v1. Accordingly, this client supports both R4/v2 and STU3/v1.
These clients are provided as examples, but they are fully functioning (with some modifications) in the production environment. Feel free to use them as a reference. When used in production (even for testing purposes), these clients have the ability to download PII/PHI information. You should therefore ensure the environment in which these scripts are run is secured in a way to allow for storage of PII/PHI. Additionally, when used in the production environment the scripts will require use of your production credentials. As such, please ensure that your credentials are handled in a secure manner and not printed to logs or the terminal. Ensuring the privacy of data is the responsibility of each user and/or organization.
Sample scripts running a full export from starting a job to downloading results. This client support both FHIR version R4 (v2) and STU3 (v1).
Files Created by Scripts:
- status_url.txt -- url to check the status of a newly created job
- completed_job_response.json -- response from status_url when a job has completed successfully.
- *.ndjson -- eob claims data downloaded after an export completes
- Assumes all scripts use the same directory
- Assumes all scripts use the same base64 encoded AUTH token saved to a file
- create-job.ps1 - create a job and save the url where the status of the job can be checked
- monitor-job.ps1 - monitor a job until it completes or fails. If it completes, save the list of files to download.
- download-results.ps1 - download the results of a job to the current directory
These scripts must be run in order to complete a download.
If you only want claims data updated or filed after a certain date specify the $SINCE
The expected format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX+/-ZZ:ZZ which follows ISO datetime standards.
The earliest date that _since
works for is February 13th, 2020. Specifically: 2020-02-13T00:00:00.000-05:00
For requests using FHIR R4, a default _since
value is supplied if one is not provided. The value of the default _since
parameter is set to the creation date and time of a contract's last successfully searched and downloaded job.
- March 1, 2020 at 3 PM EST ->
- May 31, 2020 at 4 AM PST
Example in powershell:
If you only want claims data updated or filed before a certain date specify the $UNTIL
The expected format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX+/-ZZ:ZZ which follows ISO datetime standards.
This parameter is only available with V2 (FHIR R4).
If no _until
date is specified or you use a date from the future, it will default to the current date and time.
- March 1, 2024 at 3 PM EST ->
- May 31, 2024 at 4 AM PST
Example in powershell:
Note the following
these directions assume that you are on a Windows machine with PowerShell
sandbox is publicly available
production is only accessible if your machine has been whitelisted to use it
Open PowerShell as an administrator
Select the Windows icon (likely in the bottom left of the screen)
Type the following in the search text box
Right click on Windows PowerShell
Select Run as administrator
If the "User Account Control" window appears, select Yes
Allow PowerShell to run scripts that are not digitally signed
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Create a download directory where you will be saving the AB2D data
Be sure to change the date to today's date.
mkdir $home\documents\2020-10-22
Change to the download directory
Be sure to change the date to today's date.
cd $home\documents\2020-10-22
Note that under each of the following steps, you do the following:
copy all lines to the clipboard
paste all lines into PowerShell
press Enter on the keyboard
Create the Base64 credentials and save them to the AUTH_FILE
Skip if you have already created a Base64 credentials file
Sandbox (working example):
$BASE64_ENCODED_ID_PASSWORD='MG9hMnQwbHNyZFp3NXVXUngyOTc6SEhkdVdHNkxvZ0l2RElRdVdncDNabG85T1lNVmFsVHRINU9CY3VIdw==' Set-Content -Path "{credentials-file}" $BASE64_ENCODED_ID_PASSWORD
Production (replace {variable} with your settings):
$BASE64_ENCODED_ID_PASSWORD='{Base64-encoded id:password}' Set-Content -Path "{credentials-file}" $BASE64_ENCODED_ID_PASSWORD
Check the base 64 credentials for correctness
Skip if you know the Base64 credentials file is accurate
$BASE64_ENCODED_ID_PASSWORD = Get-Content "{credentials-file}" [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($BASE64_ENCODED_ID_PASSWORD))
You should see your id:password just as in the previous step. If you do not then the encoding was not successful.
Set variables for target environment and FHIR version. FHIR R4 is
. Deprecated FHIR STU3 is v1. FHIR STU3 isv1
. (Note, the AUTHENTICATION_URL is still v1 for both FHIR versions)Sandbox FHIR R4 (working example, for FHIR STU3, replace v2 with v1 in
):$AUTH_FILE="{credentials-file}" $AUTHENTICATION_URL='https://test.idp.idm.cms.gov/oauth2/aus2r7y3gdaFMKBol297/v1/token' $AB2D_API_URL='https://sandbox.ab2d.cms.gov/api/v2' # If you only want claims data updated or filed after a specific date use the $SINCE parameter $SINCE='2020-02-13T00:00:00.000-05:00' # If you only want claims data updated or filed before a specific date use the $UNTIL parameter $UNTIL='2024-02-13T00:00:00.000-05:00'
Production FHIR R4 (replace {variable} with your settings, for FHIR STU3, replace v2 with v1 in
):$AUTH_FILE="{your-credentials-file}" $AUTHENTICATION_URL='https://idm.cms.gov/oauth2/aus2ytanytjdaF9cr297/v1/token' $AB2D_API_URL='https://api.ab2d.cms.gov/api/v2' # If you only want claims data updated or filed after a specific date use the $SINCE parameter $SINCE='2020-02-13T00:00:00.000-05:00' # If you only want claims data updated or filed before a specific date use the $UNTIL parameter $UNTIL='2024-02-13T00:00:00.000-05:00'
Create an export job
Monitor the status of the export job
Download file(s)
This script will not overwrite existing files so please move previous downloads before running this script
Open your downloaded file(s) in an editor to view the data
Sandbox example of the downloaded file: