play the game:
The whales are under attack and we, the Whale Defence Force, are here to save them! Our next target is the dungeon known as Whale World. Our goal is to destroy it and send the whales back to the ocean. Our eco commandos are suiting up in their whale suits and preparing for assualt. We are the Whale Defence Force!
other utilities: the python file takes csv files and turns them into levels
npm install followed by npm start should run the desktop version
symbols on map key
- "@": Player, - spawn point
- "o": Coin, - works but will be removes
- "s": Switch, - works but requires coding
- "#": Ladder, - works for any up or down
- "_": thinBar
- "T": Transport - goes to level, works
- "s": Stone,
- "0-9": Switch programmable
- "h": Harpoon, "i": Harpoon right, "j": Harpoon, "k": Harpoon, left
- "X": floor/block
- "P": Breakable block
- "W": water
- ">": move left ice
- "<": move right ice
update map