- Metax is a metadata storage for Finnish research data
- How to get started with
- This repository uses Poetry for managing Python dependencies securely
- Poetry generates a very strict
file - Poetry enables easy updates of minor security/bug patches from pip with
-defined version constraints - The generated
file is guaranteed to lock all dependencies and sub-dependencies - The Poetry file
stores hashes of all dependencies, if the integrity of the dependency-tree ever needs to be verified - Poetry documentation
- First, install pipx
is a system-wide Python application installerpipx
creates a virtualenv for every package installed and automatically includes them in your workstation's path- It can also uninstall any package installed using pipx
- After installation, you will have poetry available system-wide
# With pipx installed, install Poetry
pipx install poetry
# Upgrade if needed (minimum 1.2.0+ required)
pipx upgrade poetry
- Poetry creates and manages its virtual environments in a dedicated cache directory on your workstation
- Tested with pip version
- Tested with poetry version
# First, activate a poetry virtual environment
poetry shell
# ... then, install dependencies with poetry
poetry install
# Create a .env file based on .env.template
cp .env.template .env
- Define
variables in the.env
file - Define other non-required values as needed
# In the repository root, run
python manage.py createsuperuser
# In the repository root, run
python manage.py migrate
mkdir static
python manage.py collectstatic --no-input
If you want to run a containerized version with PostgreSQL & Mecached, see: 🐋 Docker
- make sure both metaxes have a test catalog with same identifier
- in V3, loading test data creates two test catalogs
for non-harvested datasets andurn:nbn:fi:att:data-catalog-harvested-test
for harvested datasets- created with
python manage.py load_test_data
- create these also in V2
- you might also need to patch the V3 catalogs with correct permissions:
- in V3, loading test data creates two test catalogs
PATCH /v3/data-catalogs/urn:nbn:fi:att:data-catalog-harvested-test
"dataset_groups_create": [
"dataset_groups_admin": [
PATCH /v3/data-catalogs/urn:nbn:fi:att:data-catalog-test
"dataset_groups_create": [
- create service user for V2 in V3
# in metax-service -repo
python manage.py create_api_user service_metax_v2 --groups metax_v2 service v2_migration
- create token for the user
# in metax-service -repo
python manage.py drf_create_token service_metax_v2
- If V2 is in a container and V3 is not, V2 cannot access V3 if it's running at
, so start the V3 development server at0.0.0.0:<port>
instead. This way, V3 is available to containers at host172.17.0.1:<port>
python manage.py runserver<port>
- in this case, also add
in V3 development settingssrc/metax_service/settings/environments/development.py
- add these settings to
, under metax-web environment:
METAX_V3_HOST: <your local V3 host> #<port>, if V2 is in a container and V3 is not
METAX_V3_TOKEN: <token of V2 service user>
- redeploy metax_dev stack
- set up local V3 environment with these settings in
METAX_V2_HOST=<your local V2 host> # most likely https://metax.fd-dev.csc.fi
- The section below lists common development operations
You can change the port number as needed
# Default development server
python manage.py runserver 8002
# Enhanced development server
python manage.py runserver_plus 8002
# Enhanced development server, enhanced interpreter
python manage.py runserver_plus --bpython 8002
in .env
Run development server and run the task processing
cluster in e.g. another terminal
python manage.py qcluster
- When the development server is running, access the admin panel at
- Use the credentials generated in the "Creating superuser" part of this readme.
# Show all available management commands
python manage.py --help
# Show all setup.py commands
python setup.py --help
- Run pytest managed tests with
command - You can run tox tests with
# Run tests, stop on first failure, reuse test-database, run failed tests first, 2 workers
pytest -x --reuse-db -n 2 --ff
- The mkdocs port can be defined freely
# Running development server:
mkdocs serve -a localhost:8005
# Building mkdocs for production
mkdocs build
- Disabled by default
- Silk profiling can be turned on by setting
env-var to true - The profiler is only available when on
# After setting ENABLE_SILK_PROFILER env-var to True, run:
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py collectstatic --no-input
- After successful setup, the profiler is available at /v3/silk endpoint
- More information about Silk can be found from official docs
- The Django Debug Toolbar can slow down SQL-queries
- Switch it off by setting
env-var to False
# Adding developer dependencies
poetry add -G dev <package>
# Adding application dependencies
poetry add <package>
# Updating all dependencies
poetry update
# Removing dependencies
poetry remove (-D) <package>
# Regenerating requirements.txt after modification of pyproject.toml
poetry export --without-hashes -o requirements.txt
poetry export --with dev --without-hashes -o dev-requirements.txt
- Black formatter and isort are used for code formatting
# Ignore formatting commits by configuring git as follows
git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs
is the main configuration file due to still incomplete support ofpyproject.toml
in several development tools
- The database models are based on following specifications:
- https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/semantic-interoperability-community-semic/solution/dcat-application-profile-data-portals-europe/release/210
- https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-3/
- This project has been set up using PyScaffold 3.3.1
- For details and usage information on PyScaffold see https://pyscaffold.org/.