Event | Collection | Trigger |
content.create | Content | Occurs whenever Content is created. |
content.update | Content | Occurs whenever Content is updated. |
content.delete | Content | Occurs whenever Content is deleted. |
comments.create | Comments | Occurs whenever a Comment is created. |
comments.update | Comments | Occurs whenever a Comment is updated. |
comments.delete | Comments | Occurs whenever a Comment is deleted. |
events.create | Events | Occurs whenever an Event is created. |
events.update | Events | Occurs whenever an Event is updated. |
events.delete | Events | Occurs whenever an Event is deleted. |
messages.create | Messages | Occurs whenever a Message is created. |
messages.update | Messages | Occurs whenever a Message is updated. |
messages.delete | Messages | Occurs whenever a Message is deleted. |
notes.create | Notes | Occurs whenever a Note is created. |
notes.update | Notes | Occurs whenever a Note is updated. |
notes.delete | Notes | Occurs whenever a Note is deleted. |
marketing_campaigns.create | Marketing Campaigns | Occurs whenever a Marketing Campaign is created. |
marketing_campaigns.update | Marketing Campaigns | Occurs whenever a Marketing Campaign is updated. |
marketing_campaigns.delete | Marketing Campaigns | Occurs whenever a Marketing Campaign is deleted. |
tasks.create | Tasks | Occurs whenever a Task is created. |
tasks.update | Tasks | Occurs whenever a Task is updated. |
tasks.delete | Tasks | Occurs whenever a Task is deleted. |
wordpress_posts.create | WordPress Posts | Occurs whenever a WordPress Post is created. |
wordpress_posts.update | WordPress Posts | Occurs whenever a WordPress Post is updated. |
wordpress_posts.delete | WordPress Posts | Occurs whenever a WordPress Post is deleted. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier for the content object. |
private_uuid | string |
The private UUID of the content in RFC4122 v4 format. |
created | timestamp |
Time at which the content was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
updated | timestamp |
Time at which the content was last updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
calendar_id | integer |
The ID of the content's parent calendar. |
team_member_id | integer |
The ID of the team member assigned as the owner of the content. |
title | string |
Title of the content. |
schedule | timestamp |
Time at which the content has been scheduled for delivery. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
status | string |
Defines the status of the content. Can be: idea , draft , pending , future , or publish . |
status_id | integer |
The ID of the status set on the content. |
permalink | string |
The Permalink Social Helper will be whatever URL is added to the Permalink field. |
permalink_images | array |
An array of image URL's scraped from the Open Graph tags of the permalink. |
permalink_title | string |
The Open Graph Title scraped from the permalink. |
excerpt | string |
A user-defined custom excerpt used in place of excerpt_memo . |
excerpt_memo | string |
The Open Graph Description scraped from the permalink. |
preferred_image | string |
Defines the image url currently computed to fill the 'Best Image' placeholder. |
description | string |
The description of the Content. |
project_type_id | integer |
Defines the id of the project_type representing the content type. |
marketing_campaign_id | integer |
Defines the parent marketing campaign id if the content is part of a Marketing Campaign. |
in_draft_bin | boolean |
Defines if the content appears in the Draft Bin instead of on the calendar. |
label_id | integer |
The ID of the Color Label set on the content. |
tags | array |
An array of ids defining the tags attached to the content (e.g. [521419, 749243, 816307] ). |
Property | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier for the comment object. |
team_member_id | integer |
The ID of the team member assigned as the owner of the comment. |
parent_type | string |
The type of the comment's parent object. Can be: content , or task . |
parent_id | integer |
The ID of the comment's parent object. |
calendar_id | integer |
The ID of the comment's parent calendar. |
comment | string |
The discussion text of the comment. |
thread_id | integer |
The ID of the discussion thread the comment belongs to. (can be null) |
created_at | timestamp |
Time at which the comment was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
updated_at | timestamp |
Time at which the comment was last updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier for the events object. |
calendar_id | integer |
The ID of the event's parent calendar. |
status | string |
Defines the status of the event. Can be: inactive . (currently unused) |
schedule | timestamp |
Time at which the event is scheduled to occur. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
end_date | timestamp |
(Optional) Time at which the event ends. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
name | string |
The name of the event. |
description | string |
The description of the event. |
all_day | boolean |
Defines if the event is blocked out for the entire day. |
marketing_campaign_id | integer |
Defines the parent campaign id if the event is part of a Marketing Campaign. |
label_id | integer |
The ID of the Color Label set on the event. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier for the messages object. |
service_id | integer |
The ID of the service (generally a social profile) selected for the message. |
calendar_id | integer |
The ID of the message's parent calendar. |
parent_type | string |
Defines the parent type of the message. Can be: message , wordpress_post , or content . |
parent_id | integer |
The ID of the message's parent. |
status | string |
Defines the status of the message. Can be: draft , pending , future , or publish . |
status_id | integer |
The ID of the status set on the content. |
date_type | string |
Defines the type of the date value. Can be: -x , x , custom (for MM/DD/YYYY format), or a day value offset (0 or greater) |
date_value | string |
Can be a MM/DD/YYYY format date for standalone messages, or a day offset value for a message whose date is relational to a parent. |
time_type | string |
time_value | string |
schedule | timestamp |
Time at which the message has been scheduled for delivery. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
type | string |
Defines the type of the message. Can be: image , link , text , or video . |
text | string |
The text of the message. |
text_computed | string |
photos | array |
photos_sent | array |
link | string |
link_title | string |
link_description | string |
sent | boolean |
sent_time | timestamp |
failure_description | string |
Defines the failure description string of the message. |
custom_analytics_querystring | string |
selected_attachments | array |
requeue | boolean |
marketing_campaign_id | integer |
Defines the parent campaign id if the message is part of a Marketing Campaign. |
in_draft_bin | boolean |
Defines if the message appears in the Draft Bin instead of on the calendar. |
label_id | integer |
The ID of the Color Label set on the message. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier for the notes object. |
calendar_id | integer |
The ID of the note's parent calendar. |
team_member_id | integer |
The ID of the team member assigned as the owner of the note. |
text | string |
The text content of the note. |
shared | boolean |
Defines the visibility of the note (public or private). |
date_value | string |
The date at which the note has been scheduled to appear on the calendar. Format: MM/DD/YYYY |
schedule | timestamp |
Time at which the note has been scheduled to appear on the calendar. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
created | timestamp |
Time at which the note was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
marketing_campaign_id | integer |
Defines the parent campaign id if the note is part of a Marketing Campaign. |
label_id | integer |
The ID of the Color Label set on the note. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier for the Marketing Campaign object. |
title | string |
Title of the campaign. |
description | string |
Defines the description string of the campaign. |
schedule | timestamp |
Time at which the campaign has been scheduled for delivery. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
end_date | timestamp |
Time at which the campaign will end. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
team_member_id | integer |
The ID of the team member assigned as the owner of the campaign. |
created_at | timestamp |
Time at which the campaign was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
updated_at | timestamp |
Time at which the campaign was last updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
calendar_id | integer |
The ID of the campaign's parent calendar. |
label_id | integer |
The ID of the Color Label set on the campaign. |
tags | array |
An array of ids defining the tags attached to the campaign (e.g. [521419, 749243, 816307] ). |
Property | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier for the tasks object. |
assignee_tm_id | integer |
The ID of the Team Member to whom the task is assigned. |
assigner_tm_id | integer |
The ID of the Team Member who created the task. |
parent_type | string |
Defines the parent type of the task. Can be: message , wordpress_post , or content . |
parent_id | integer |
Defines the ID of the task's parent. |
calendar_id | integer |
The ID of the task's parent calendar. |
task | string |
The title of the task. |
date_type | string |
Defines the type of the date value. Can be: -x , x , custom (for MM/DD/YYYY format), or a day value offset (0 or greater) |
date_value | string |
Can be a MM/DD/YYYY format date for standalone tasks, or a day offset value for a task whose date is relational to a parent. |
description | string |
Defines the description string of the task. |
task_due_date | timestamp |
Date/time when the task is due, and the date it appears on the calendar. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
task_timestamp | timestamp |
Time at which the task was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
completed | boolean |
Defines if the task is marked as completed. |
sort | string |
An numerical value used for sort order when the task is a child of another collection such as "Content". |
dashboard_sort | string |
An numerical value used for custom sort order when on the CoSchedule dashboard. |
completed_timestamp | timestamp |
Time at which the task was completed. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
marketing_campaign_id | integer |
Defines the parent campaign id if the task is part of a Marketing Campaign. |
in_draft_bin | boolean |
Defines if the task appears in the Draft Bin instead of on the calendar. |
label_id | integer |
The ID of the Color Label set on the task. |
approver_tm_id | integer |
The ID of the Team Member assigned as the approver of the task. ("Requires Approval By") |
approved_at | timestamp |
Time at which the task was approved. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
denied_at | timestamp |
Time at which the task was denied. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
completed_by | timestamp |
The ID of the Team Member that completed the task. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | integer |
Unique identifier for the wordpress_posts object. |
calendar_id | integer |
The ID of the post's parent calendar. |
status | string |
Defines the status of the wordpress post. Can be: draft , pending , future , or publish . |
schedule | timestamp |
Time at which the post has been scheduled for delivery. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
post_date | string |
The WordPress post_date value of the post. Signifies the date the post is scheduled, was published, or the draft was last updated. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss |
post_date_gmt | string |
The WordPress post_date_gmt value of the post, in GMT/UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss |
post_modified_timestamp | timestamp |
Time at which the post has been modified. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
post_id | integer |
The WordPress post_id value of the post |
post_type | string |
The WordPress post_type value of the post. Can be: post , page , or attachment (or potentially custom post type values) |
title | string |
The WordPress post_title value of the post |
permalink | string |
The link to the original WordPress post. |
author | integer |
The WordPress author_id value of the post. |
categories | string |
A comma separated string of the category IDs attached to the WordPress post. |
post_excerpt | string |
The WordPress post_excerpt value of the post. |
attachments | string |
An array of image URL's attached to the post from WordPress. |
team_member_id | integer |
The ID of the team member assigned as the owner of the post. |
excerpt | string |
A user-defined custom excerpt used in place of excerpt_memo . |
preferred_image | string |
Defines the image url currently computed to fill the 'Best Image' placeholder. |
description | string |
Defines the text of the description field for the post. |
project_type_id | integer |
Defines the id of the project_type representing the post type. |
marketing_campaign_id | integer |
Defines the parent campaign ID if the post is part of a Marketing Campaign. |
in_draft_bin | boolean |
Defines if the post appears in the Draft Bin instead of on the calendar. |
label_id | integer |
The ID of the Color Label set on the post. |
tags | array |
An array of ids defining the tags attached to the post (e.g. [521419, 749243, 816307] ). |
wordpress_site_id | integer |
The ID of the parent WordPress Site object the post belongs to. |