im in school lol
- userland
- https://codex-7.gitbook.io
- @codex_tf2
WindowSpy Public
WindowSpy is a Cobalt Strike Beacon Object File meant for automated and targeted user surveillance.
WebcamBOF Public
Webcam capture capability for Cobalt Strike as a BOF, with in-memory download options
ScreenshotBOF Public
An alternative screenshot capability for Cobalt Strike that uses WinAPI and does not perform a fork & run. Screenshot downloaded in memory.
codexs-useful-utils Public
Misc utils I made here and there, collected in one place
sliver Public
Forked from BishopFox/sliverAdversary Emulation Framework
PyHmmm Public
Simple PoC Python agent to showcase Havoc C2's custom agent interface. Not operationally safe or stable. Released with accompanying blog post as a tutorial sample
ghost Public
Forked from trickster0/ghostA sample client/server architecture
Python UpdatedSep 14, 2023 -
Burp2Malleable Public
Quick python utility I wrote to turn HTTP requests from burp suite into Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 profiles
rogue Public
Forked from RATandC2/rogueA barebones template of 'rogue' aka a simple recon and agent deployment I built to communicate over ICMP. Well, without the ICMP code.
C UpdatedApr 6, 2023 -
titanldr-ng Public
Forked from klezVirus/titanldr-ngA newer iteration of TitanLdr with some newer hooks, and design. A generic user defined reflective DLL I built to prove a point to Mudge years ago.
evasion-adventures-files Public
Slides and POC demo for my talk at Divizion Zero on EDR evasion titled "Evasion Adventures"
titan Public
Forked from seahop/titanTitan: A generic user defined reflective DLL for Cobalt Strike
HavocNotion Public
A simple ExternalC2 POC for Havoc C2. Communicates over Notion using a custom python agent, handler and extc2 channel. Not operationally safe or stable, built as a PoC to showcase Havoc C2's modula…
cobaltstrike-headless Public
Aggressorscript that turns the headless aggressor client into a (mostly) functional cobalt strike client.
cobaltstrike-sleepmask-yara Public
Just a git repo for the sleepmask detection rule i found in https://codex-7.gitbook.io/codexs-terminal-window/blue-team/detecting-cobalt-strike/sleep-mask-kit-iocs
AceLdr Public
Forked from kyleavery/AceLdrCobalt Strike UDRL for memory scanner evasion.
DynamicWrapperDotNet Public
Forked from BackupHouse/DynamicWrapperDotNetDynamically Loads Assembly and Calls Methods from JScript
SharpAwareness Public
Light and more OPSEC friendly way for red teamers to gain quick situational awareness of both the host and the user.
BusySleepBeacon Public
This is a simple project made to evade https://github.com/thefLink/Hunt-Sleeping-Beacons by using a busy wait instead of beacon's built in Sleep() call. Most of the structure e.g. Sleep hook, shell…
beacon_notify_discordhook Public
Probably the easiest way to setup new beacon notifications in Cobalt Strike